Chapter 15

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8 August 2014.

I cannot believe it is Friday again. With the heaviness of the atmosphere at home and the overwhelming work, time is passing so fast.

I do not have particular plans for this weekend. But I plan to have at least one day of full laziness.

I call Claire right after work and we meet up at a coffee place.

"Okay. I cannot wait anymore. Please tell me what is going on with you and Liam. How has it been?"

"Oh my God, Lauren. You wouldn't believe how good it has been." she lets out a sigh and almost melts over the table.

"We have seen each other every day since the last date. In fact, he is coming over tonight." she continues.

"That's great Claire. You look so happy."

"I am. Truly. And I want you to meet him."


"Yes. You know if you had said yes to Conall, we would be going out tomorrow on a double date. But no, Ms. Lauren has to stay single."

"I don't have to stay single. And please let this Conall thing go. It was unbelievable how smooth last night went. I don't want to ruin that."

"I know, I know. Just joking."

"So when do I get to meet him?"

"I was thinking we can go out tomorrow."

"Go out? I don't know. I will feel like a third wheel."

"Well..." she hesitates and smirks.


"Well, he has a single friend."

"He does?"

"Yes. He's seen your pictures. He says he is definitely in for a double date. I'll give you his fb account to check him out. Are you against dating in general? Or is it just Conall you were not interested in?"

"I am not against dating in general. I think it might be fun."

"YES." Claire shouts.

Great, now I have plans for the weekend.


"Hi Harry." I say when I come home and find him entering the kitchen. Is he not going out at all?

He nods.

I follow him into the kitchen. I do not know what I want from the kitchen. I just do.

He takes a soda can from the fridge and passes me by, on his way to the living room. I am watching him when he turns around and says "By the way Lauren, I think you dropped some money near my room. Why were you so close to my room anyway?"

I shake my head and almost laugh at his stupidity.

"Harry, I did not drop some money. I put them there for you. Remember, the dinner a couple of nights ago?"

He does not look amused.

"What is it? You could not give them to me like a normal person?"


"You're afraid to talk to me or give me money by hand or something?''

"Well, now I am." I say in a very low voice, sarcastically. He does not hear it, but he can see my face and he can tell what type of response I had. He frowns, turns around and continues his way to the living room. I cannot believe we are back to square one.


 9 August 2014.

When I wake up in the morning, the house is silent. Harry is not home. So he is going out.

I prepare a fast breakfast of toast and cheese. I make myself some tea. And I sit down scrolling through my phone, looking for any news I can find about La Diversa.

I come across what is probably the best news I can get at this time in my life:

Breaking news for all young designers out there: Eliza Robinson has finally accepted the invitation and will be joining La Diversa in September 2014!

I stop short and read the title again and again. Before I read the body of the article -which to be honest I am not as interested in- I stop to celebrate. 

The tea cup in my hand, some toast in my mouth, I start dancing around and jumping.

And it is not until I spill some tea on me that I stop and find Harry next to the door, looking... disgusted. 

I'm not the sweaty one in a football uniform, again.

He hands me a towel, the same look on his face. I put down the mug.

"Thank you."

He nods. 

"Do you ever reply with words? Or is nodding always enough for you?"

"What do you expect me to answer?"


He shrugs and simply leaves. That is it. No more trying with him.


I take a shower. Fix my hair. Get a nice but not too classy dress on. Put my heels on. Grab my purse. Wear some perfume. Take one last look in the mirror. Then head out to the double date.

I now feel like my decision to go out on this double date was rushed. Maybe I shouldn't have directly said yes. I hope I did not make a mistake.

All three of them pick me up and we leave together to a very nice casual restaurant.

We have a great time together. Liam is as nice and good looking as Claire described. They match in a lovely way. I can definitely see a future for the two.

Josh, my date, was very nice as well. But the whole night he was not engaging in the conversation. So I did not really get to know him. It was a little bit awkward. At the end of the night, I noticed that Josh did not even ask me the most trivial questions such as for how long I am staying, what I am currently working on. He looked happy all the time, but kept quiet. 

When they dropped me home, Josh got out of the car, told me he had a good time and kissed me on the cheek, in a sweet manner.

I was a little disappointed that he was so passive the whole night. I was truly looking forward for this date. And he seemed my type. Did he not like me enough?

I notice Harry holding the side of the curtain at the window of the street and looking out. Looking at me. He closes it when we make eye contact.

I get into the house.

"You were on a date." He says in a tone that is in between a question and a statement.

"And you know how to speak." I answer.

"I'm just saying, it is not a good idea."


"You know. With you leaving and everything. Why waste your time on dating? Better go check some sites, do shopping and travel in the weekends if you want my opinion."

"I don't want it."

I leave to my room right away. How rude.

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