Chapter 37

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15 September 2014.

I am very excited to go back to work after the show and the long weekend. I am excited to see Steph and Marcus, and for us to finally move on to the final step in this beautiful journey.

Steph and Marcus both seem extremely enthusiastic when I come in. Steph looks like she has been fangirling. They see me coming into the office and approach me fast.

"What is it?" I ask them.

"Steph will be meeting with Robinson's assistant to discuss potential work." Marcus answers me, half screaming. 

My mind is torn for few seconds. I am trying to understand how that happened over the weekend. Isn't it too soon for something like that to happen?

"Oh Steph, that is amazing!" I exclaim, meaning it. It is. And I am happy for her. But I am also wondering what is it about Steph that made her shine. Not that I think she does not deserve it. But what is it? How can I achieve this? What is it that made her stand out?

I tell myself that I will think about all of this from that point of view later. Afterall, I do not want Steph to think that I am not happy for her.

Additionally, someone was going to catch Robinson's eye at the event. She was there for this reason. and since this person is not me, I would like it if it was at least someone who I know works hard and deserves this appreciation. And Steph does.

"Look." Marcus points at the table. "She brought us donuts with these good news." 

"How sweet of you Steph."

We sit together and eat donuts while Steph tells us how it all happened. Nothing about her story seems too catchy. The whole time I was listening to her, I was waiting for a sentence, a hint as to why and how she was chosen. But there was nothing. She was just chosen.

I always believed that there are things in life that are just meant to be.

I guess in my case, my destiny is to finish these couple of weeks left and go back home.

But what home?

Home is something else now.

But now is not the time to think about this.

"So should we start planning?" I ask after few moments of silence.

"Yes. Let's start." Steph answers.

We spend some time discussing the photoshoots that will take place soon. That is the first post-show step to do. We have signed a contract with the famous fashion magazine Noma to share our collection's pictures from both the show and the photoshoot that will take place on Thursday. We will also be sending some photo teasers for the social media managers in the company to post. Afterwards, the marketing team will take over and we will be assisting. Some of these looks will be in the stores soon. And it will be amazing.

Just before 1:00pm, I text Harry to wish him good luck on his exam. He does not answer, probably having already turned his phone off.

When I finish work at around 4:30pm, I am very happy to go back to my normal working hours. I leave feeling like the day has only just started.

When I get home, I am a little surprised that Harry is not there yet. He was supposed to come home right after his exam. I check my phone and find that he still has not answered my text.

Give him all the space he needs Lauren, I remind myself. You two live together.

After I shower, I call Louis and my parents and the four of us talk over a video call for some time. At the end of which, when everyone is ready to end the call, I am about to mention that I am kind of seeing someone. But I imagine the scenario.

"Hey I wanted to tell you something." I would say.

"Sure. What is it?" Mom would instantly assume it is a bad thing and get worried.

"There is someone that I'm seeing." I would say.

The looks on their faces would not be what I expected. They would try to force some smiles. They would start by telling me how great it is, but they will not mean it. And then my dad, who is the most honest between them, would say: "But Lauren, how do you expect to keep this going after you come back?"

And of course, I would not be able to answer that question, because I do not have an answer yet. And I would feel sad that they were supposed to be happy for me, but they are not. And I would regret telling them.

So I will not.

When I close my phone, I instantly get a text. I look at my phone to see who it is from. It's Louis. I read the text without opening it:

Lauren, it seemed like your mind was away or you wanted to say something. Something wrong?

My thoughts jump between telling him and not. I decide to give myself some time and get a bag of chips to eat and listen to some music. When I enter the kitchen and bring one, my phone rings a couple or three more text message tones. But I decide I will text Louis back when my mind is clear and I am not overwhelmed with my feelings.

When I finish the bag of chips, I notice that I left my phone in the kitchen and go back to get it. When I click on it, my mouth drops.

I have three missed calls from Claire and a couple of text messages.

I open the first text message right away.

Where are you? Will come pick you up if you are home. We need to go the hospital.

The hospital?

The second text message:

Lauren I am trying to call you but you are not answering your phone. Please call me ASAP. It is urgent. I am on my way to you.

I am still trying to understand what I read. My mind goes to a thousand places. I am directly worried that Liam is hurt. Or maybe one of Claire's parents is in the hospital and she needs me there. I directly press on the button to call Claire, when someone rings the bell. I rush to the door, it is her.

I let her in.

"Claire I just saw your texts. I'm so sorry. What is it?" I ask going directly to my room to grab my shoes, any shoes.

Claire stops following me suddenly and I stop in my tracks. 

Don't say it Claire.

"It's Harry."

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