Chapter 6

158 13 6

19 July 2014.

Yesterday, Claire and I went to have coffee. Claire seemed completely interested in why there are troubles between me and my roommate. She asked about it as soon as we sat down.

"So what's up with your roommate?" she asked.

"My roommate... Hmm... How do I say this? IHateHim." I said sarcastically.

"Well it is obvious you do. But I'm asking why do you?"

"He's weird."

"We don't hate people because they're weird. Come on! Tell me!"

"Well, he speaks dryly and impolitely. I'm not really sure if he makes fun of what I say but he looks like he does. He has tattoos. He makes girls cry. He is irresponsible and not very neat. He never answers my Hellos. And the way he stares at me sometimes is just, creepy !" I shivered.

"He's still hot."

"Come on Claire. I am trying to have an adult conversation here."

She laughed. "Hot is for adults." She joked.

"You just need to avoid him if he bothers you that much." Claire said after some time.

"I know, I am and I always will."

"So, speaking of men, anyone back home?"

"Oh no, not that question again. Twice a day!"

"What are you talking about?"

"No, there's no one back there and I really don't want to talk about it."

"Chill, it's fine. Talk about what anyway? If you're not ready to talk about whatever this is then we won't."

"No. It's not about being ready I just really don't want to."

She lifted her hands in defence and continued her Starbucks Frappuccino.


"Are you okay?" his voice snaps me back to reality.

"Yeah, why?" I answer.

"Well you've been sitting behind your desk for 30 minutes and you haven't drawn anything yet. You're not even participating in our conversation."

"I just... I'm out of ideas for now. I really need this lunch break."

In the cafeteria here, the food is literally amazing. It tastes really good and there are many options of plat du jour. The company's cafeteria was pretty good at Firbourg, just not that good .

"Ten more minutes." Marcus answers me. I turn my head to the paper again, trying to focus.

Ten minutes later, the small microphone in the corner of the room is on.

' t is now your lunch break . Please don't forget to take your cards with you and be back in thirty minutes. Bon Appetit.'

For me, all voices that go out through microphones always belong to one same female. They sound exactly the same it is amazing.

"Was that thing here yesterday?" I ask Stephanie referring to the microphone.

"Marcus had broken it last time. And they fixed it today morning." she answers while closing the door behind us.

"So how about we go back to our game." Marcus says once he lays his tray on the table.

And that's how we pass the thirty minutes.

I enter the card in the machine next to our room's door. The door swings open and I enter.

Each time the door is closed, it's locked . And the only way to enter is having the card with the door's code, which only exists with Stephanie, Marcus, Mr. Adderly and me.

It is suddenly 4:00pm and everyone starts preparing to leave. I was quite dreaming this whole time and I don't even know why. I'm not the kind of person that would waste their time. Especially a time that needs to be spent on the work they love and want to do. So, I decide to spend my night working on what I couldn't do at work. This time, Marcus offers to drive me to the car rental place to finally pick up the car. But since it is so near to my place, I tell him that I will walk from my place to the shop and he just needs to drop me off there.

"Thank you so much." I say once he pulls off.

"Of course." he answers smiling and throwing one hand in the air.

I soon enough notice him staring at the door and I expect to see Harry once I turn my face, like last time.

"That's your house, right?" he asks with a confused tone.

"Yeah. That would be my roommate." I answer and he lifts his eyebrows.

"Two roommates?" he jokes and I tell him that the other one is probably just a friend of Harry's. The two men take a look at the car. Harry and I share glances and I thank Marcus one last time before making my way towards them.

"Hey" I say once I get close. I recognize the friend's face now. He is the same one who was here last time. Well, Harry did warn me that I will be seeing him a lot.

Harry is inside and his friend is looking at him from the doorstep.

"Lauren." Harry's friend says, a small smile on his lips. I try to remember his name, but I can't. Harry, like usual, does not answer. I just nod and smile back to his friend just before Harry steps aside and I am about to make my way inside. The friend speaks again.

"How are you?"

I turn around shooting him one hell of a fake smile. If I don't like Harry, then I will absolutely not like his friends or whoever on earth likes him. I am like that.

"I'm fine, and you?" I try to be polite. Maybe Harry will learn something from this conversation.

"Great." he nods.

"So Conall, " Harry starts and I take the chance to go inside not taking one look back. So that is his name, Conall. It's not that I did not remember his name, it's that I did not really know it because I probably was not that focused on the day we met .

After taking a really hot and long shower, I take my time to cook and eat dinner since Harry was not home. Well I figured, there's only one way I may like Harry's friend: if he keeps Harry away from me.

I finish my dinner and head to my room not wasting one second. I have to catch up. I cannot be late. I want this work, and I will make it work.

* Please Reads ^_^

Okay so first , I just really needed to clear something up for you guys : In this story only the prologue and the epilogue will be Harry's point of view . In case you haven't figured that he was the one to talk in the prologue . But don't worry , this is not going to make it any lamer haha .

Stop Reading IF you don't like to know the cast !

So they have asked me to put a cast for this story and this wasn't pretty hard because I always imagine the character's looks so here it is :

- Lauren Ellenberg : Michelle Borth .

- Claire : Emma Stone .

- Conall : Josh Hutcherson .

- Marcus : Jack Reynor .

- Stephanie : Regina Hall .

In case I forgot anyone , tell me . In case you didn't like someone , imagine him the way you want or contact me and I would maybe change it haha .

Love you .

-Yara :) x*

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