Chapter 10

110 11 10

23 July 2014.

"OH MY GOD!! GO AWAY!!" I scream holding the wooden spoon and ready to use it.

"Ew Ew!!" I stare at it and it freaks me out.

It starts moving. I get on the chair.

"Damn you! Get out!" I yell a little lower, knowing it can't reach me now.

"What is it? What's wrong" Harry comes into the kitchen. His face seems concerned and his green eyes wide open. I guess he heard me yell while coming in.

"Lauren?" he asks confused, but I keep staring at it.

"No." he says once notices it.

"No. No. No. you must be kidding me." he shakes his head taking few steps forward. I cross my brows. Ew. How is he okay getting close to it?

He takes a cup and a plate from the shutter before he reaches for it. He puts the cup on it. Then moves it to the plate. He gets out of the kitchen and I hear the front door getting opened and shut. He threw it out.

I stand still in the kitchen. Disgusted. Harry gets back in.

"Really?" he asks with a poker face. I do not answer.

"Lauren?" his voice seems more concerned than angry, but his face is still straight.

He shakes his head in disbelief. "You must be kidding me." he says walking towards me. He comes very close and wraps his hands around me. He puts me down on the ground. I know I scared him, but what the hell is he doing? 

I do not know whether or not to yell at him. I cough and take a deep breath.

"You woke me up." He says a little angrily.

Well, you lifted me up without asking for permission. So I think we are even.

"Sorry." I answer. 

He shakes his head one more time and gets out of the kitchen.

I admit that my voice was too loud. And I am in fact sorry for that. But I fear cockroaches like crazy. I cannot control this. 

When I hear his footsteps fading, I recall what just happened and feel very embarrassed. I remind myself of how many annoying things Harry has done since I came here and tell myself that it is okay.

The sight of the cockroach in my kitchen made me sick. I do not want to have breakfast anymore. I cannot. 

I decide to Call Claire to see what she is up to and ask her to go to the movies tonight.



"Yes, No."

"But why not?" She speaks so firmly that I have to ask.

"Because we're both invited to dinner."

"Really? Who on earth would invite us both to-

Oh no."


"I'm not going."

"Oh come on. It will be fun. You enjoyed it when we met with them the other time."

"That was by mistake. I would have never planned on meeting them. You know how I feel towards the both of them."

"But I also know that you and I are two lonely girls who would definitely enjoy some company. Not to mention that Conall and I are friends and I really like him."

"I don't know Claire."

"You are too stubborn. Why do you always exaggerate like that?"

When Claire says that, it gets on my nerves. And perhaps for the wrong reasons, perhaps only to prove her wrong, I decide to agree on going out for dinner.

"I- um... Okay, Claire. I'll go."

"Yay! Then come pick me up at 7:00pm and I'll tell you where to go from there."


When we pull of in a neighbourly street, I turn to Claire a bit confused.

"What? He invited us to dinner at his place." she explains.

"Oh." Impressive.


"So, Claire." Conall starts but gets interrupted by the door getting opened and Harry walking in.

"What did I miss?" Harry says.

Oh, nothing except for the whole dinner. which was quite delicious, to admit. Conall is quite the cook. 

Harry sits next to us and Conall pours him a glass.

"So?" Harry says. Conall seems to have forgotten what he wanted to ask Claire.

"No news?" He adds when nobody answers. His head turning to all of us, waiting. I turn away when his eyes meet mine.

He is sitting across from me. While Claire is beside me and Conall is on a solo couch.

"I have some news. If you'd like to hear some funny shit." he continues speaking. I do not know why things got awkward when he arrived. But it is not he noticed. He is very comfortable talking. What is that language anyway? Is he ten?

"Tell us." Claire seems interested.

"Should I, Lauren?" Harry turns his face to me smirking.

I smile to him at first, wanting to ask him to go ahead. But then I get it. Oh, no.

"No, Harry. Oh, please don't." I beg and threaten at the same time.

I do not know whether to feel embarrassed or stupid but a small smile appears on my face as I beg Harry not to speak about it. He replies with a smirk that clearly means 'watch me'.

Harry starts with the story and I cover my face with my hands laughing with them at how stupid that looks like it was.

To me, at that moment, I could not feel nothing but fear. But now that Harry is talking about it and it is making Conall and Claire laugh, it makes me laugh as well. And it makes it worth telling.

Harry finishes and looks at me, still smiling.

I look back and something in the way his smile shows dimples that I for the first time noticed, and in the way his eyes sparkle, and in the way his face looks filled with amusement and joy, and in the way I could no longer see the others anymore, tells me that he really means it.



-Yara :) x*

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