Chapter 41

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I call Harry during the day to remind him of his medication. I feel happy and excited all day long. I have had literally the most beautiful morning in my life. And I am planning on keeping this feeling on for the whole day.

After work, Claire and I meet to finalize some of the decisions about our weekend plans, which I am very excited about. I know I said I was okay with not doing anything special at all, and I am, but I cannot help but feel extremely excited about being away with all three of them; the people I have grown to love and truly enjoy my time with here.

When I get back home at night, Harry and Conall are studying in the living room and I decide not to disturb them. So I ask Harry quickly how the meeting went, and he answers me very briefly that he does not think this one went very good. But that we have to wait to see.

When they finish studying and before Conall leaves, I sit with them for a while. I take a seat close to Harry without thinking too much of it. After a few minutes, Harry puts his arms around me.

Conall is in the middle of a story about their new football coach when he notices and he crosses just a little his eyebrows.

"Oh my God. You two-." He stops for a second. "I honestly did not believe you." he tells Harry.

"I told you I was not kidding." Harry answers.

"I guess that would make me the intruder right now. You'd both be thinking when is this guy leaving?." Conall jokes and we laugh.

"Anyway, although I was joking, I do need to leave. It is getting late."


19 September 2014.

The photoshoot yesterday went perfectly. Today in the morning, I met with Astro and a couple of other people from Evans' team. It was a great meeting overall. Evans, it seems, was very interested and looked up some of my work and designs at NARAH besides the fashion show alone. Then he threw my business card to his team and told them he thinks I could be a good addition. Of course, that is how I imagine things went. But I am not sure. 

The team does not talk about how or why they want to offer me a job. They only mention that they think I would be a good fit to what they are looking. And what are they looking for? Additional designers to reside in certain locations, study the taste and new trends and come up with the right designs for the place. They want to customize and characterize their products depending on different areas. And when they want to bring a certain area's product to another, they want to make sure to make it clear so that people find it more interesting.

I thought the idea that they have is amazing and innovative. I loved it. Most of all, I loved that I would be responsible for a whole line of products at Today. It will be truly and only mine and no one is going to be able to vote out my designs.

The only problem I still have is that they have not yet decided on the areas in which they need designers. So I will have to wait for them to get back to me before I take any decision. And they mention that it will be some time before they do because the idea was only just born.

In brief, I am not sure if the meeting will lead anywhere at all. And there is nothing to do but wait.

I am very ready for my weekend. When I get home a little early to pack up some of my clothes for the weekend, Harry is sitting in the living room and looks like he has been waiting for me. That makes sense, because Harry does not have classes on Fridays. But there is something else on his mind. It is obvious.

"Oh love, I have great news." Harry says, shaking his head happily.

"Maria just called me. She received a call from the company we met with on Tuesday. They are very interested and they want to see us again."

I am extremely happy to hear Harry's news. I am even happier to see him this excited. I truly hope this goes well. As Harry once told me, getting past that first meeting was the toughest step. And now, after a couple of years, he is past it.

"And this weekend is the perfect way to celebrate!" Harry finally adds before we go to the room.

"I will help you pack your bag and you will help with mine." He says following me to my room.

"In fact, I will choose the clothes you will be taking." He adds.

When Harry says that, it makes me laugh. I am pretty sure there is no way that Harry will be able to tell what kind of clothes I will need for such a getaway, how cold it will be, if there are activities that we will be doing and if I need special clothes for them. Because he did not check all of this. I did. But I let him suggest anyway. And I say yes when his suggestions are suitable.

Harry starts taking out almost everything in the closet. He looks at them and either throws them aside or inside the bag.

"Harry. Come on. It will take me forever to arrange my closet again." I tell him.

"It's okay. I'll help."

"Please don't." I joke.

"Harry! You are only choosing what would look hot. I need some comfortable clothes you know."

"Not true. Look." Harry takes out a jeans shorts from the bag.

"Woops. Not this one." He says after he notices what he brought out.

"This one." He takes out a sweater.

"Okay. Bravo. You added a sweater. There aren't even matching pants in there."

Harry winks. "That's the point." he says.

Harry then adds a swimsuit.

"Harry. What is wrong with you? We will not be swimming."

"Who cares?" he answers laughing.

Oh, Harry. Always joking in manners that defeat me.

Harry takes out a cute short loose flowery dress with long sleeves. "I love this. You have to bring this." He puts it in the bag.

When we are done, I add some shoes and my accessories box. Then we move to Harry's room to pack his things up.

Half an hour later, Liam and Claire are here. Harry puts our bags in the trunk and we get into the car. Liam turns his car on and we start moving. I look over to Harry and smile.

It will be a good couple of days.

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