Chapter 3

194 15 6

16 July 2014.

I wake up the next morning at the sound of my alarm.

I take a shower and brush my teeth. I like my showers in the morning the most.

I go to the kitchen and prepare my coffee. My work should start on Monday, but this does not mean that I should not be preparing for it today and tomorrow.

It seems like Harry is not home. The house is quiet.

I sit on my desk and start reading from the book I brought. Then, on my own journal, I write the main points and the plan for the upcoming months; what I need to be focusing on, what I need to remember, etc.

I finish preparing at around 3:00 pm, and I decide it is finally time to do some grocery shopping. There is nothing that I do not need.

Of course, it takes me some time to find the nearest supermarket, but I calm myself down. This should get better with time. And I am enjoying the walk anyway.

I hold the bags and start walking back home. When I am almost there, I see Harry wearing a football uniform and a backpack hanging on one of his shoulders. He is talking to a girl in front of the house. I stop a little bit far, not wanting to interrupt them. But soon enough, the girl turns around and starts walking towards me. I pursue walking myself and, just as she passes me by, I notice tears on her face.

I look towards the house and find that Harry is gone. He has probably entered.

I wonder for a second what it is about, but I know it is none of my business.

I get in, put my keys on the table and take a look just to see his bag and his t-shirt thrown on the floor. I look in front of me and there he is, getting out of his room.

"You're here." he says. All I can see from Harry are his tattoos. Harry's body is full of tattoos. I hate tattoos. Big or small, few or loads. I hate tattoos in all their forms.

I look back at his stuff on the floor and he says "Yeah , I'll remove that. Didn't think you'd come in right after me. What are the chances."

I nod and get into my room.

I decided earlier today that I will not be talking to him much. If I keep my distance, there is much less chance of something bad happening. It does not seem to me that we will get along. And I want to avoid any kind of troubles. All that is required from him from now on is to be respectful. And things will be fine.

I change into my pyjamas and take a nap that I really need.

I wake up and go straight to the kitchen. I take out the Lasagna and put it in the oven. Then I prepare a salad from the grocery shopping I did, because salad is essential to me.

"Ohhhh." I hear Harry and someone else's voice yelling as soon as I sit to eat. I cannot tell exactly what they are saying.

I shake my head and start. But the voices don't stop, each time yelling a little bit louder until it becomes really annoying.

I finish my early dinner and go into my room, closing the door and putting my earphones in.

An hour later, I get bored and decide to get out of my room. If Harry and whoever was there left, I will watch something on TV. And if they are still here, I will go out and take a walk, enjoy the city.

I get out of my room and right before I enter the living room, I hear an unfamiliar voice 'So is she here yet?'

'Who?' in Harry's voice.

'Your roommate.'

'Shut up. She's in the house.'

Even though I do not usually eavesdrop, I felt like I had to listen. They were talking about me. I had to know. But my trial turned out a failure anyway. Because the other guy did shut up when Harry asked him to. I push the thoughts away directly and pass by the living room on my way out. I stop for just a second to say Hi, out of courtesy of course.

"Hey" I say.

"Hello" the boy I don not know answers. I smile and start to turn on my heels.

"Conall this is Lauren, my new roommate. Lauren this is Conall, my friend. You're going to see him a lot here." Harry says.

And are you going to be very annoying every time he is?

Harry is not amused. I can tell he wants this done just as much as I do.

Again, Harry, I only stopped because it would be inappropriate not to.

"Nice to meet you, Conall." I say and turn away, without waiting for his reply this time.

I put on my boots, take my keys and get out.

I walk on random streets and turn random corners.

I notice the big red bus everyone would talk about, the buildings' architecture, the looks on people's faces being the most amazing thing for me to see, always. Being alone gives us something that we need to feel sometimes. The moment when you can think about everything without the pressure of anyone else beside you. When you can be anything. Feel anything. Like anything. Hate anything. When you can look like anything and learn how to be happy just by yourself, to love yourself. Because in the end, nobody would ever understand you better than you.

I stop when I pass by a cute shop and decide to go in.

I am looking at some clothes when a girl approaches me and asks "May I help you?"

"No. I'm -" I turn around to tell her that I'm just looking but I directly recognize her face. She does not seem to have recognized me though.

"Claire?" I ask her.

And I guess that is when she remembered me, because her facial expression changed.

"Oh hey! how are you?" she asks, being the same friendly woman I met as soon as I landed here.

"I'm fine." I answer smiling. I feel happy to recognize someone even here, even if I had met her only once before. It feels good.

"Did you get there on time?" she asks me and I am confused for a short moment. Then I remember what she is talking about, laugh and assure her that yes, I did.

"Thanks to you." I add. She smiles.

"So, you work here?" I ask.

"Only during the summer. I have college in winter; graduating this year."

"Oh, cool!"

She looks away for a minute. Then she removes a really nice dirty white classy top and says "This should look on you."

"Thank you." I take it and head to the dressing room.

I get back home late at night holding a lot of bags in my hands. That was one of my problems, whenever I start shopping, I cannot stop .

I take a glance at Harry who is sitting in the living room and watching TV. He looks back when he hears the door shot. 

"Hey" I say. He nods and I continue my way to the room.

He seriously cannot get any calmer, or weirder.


"Oh and hey, sweety, good luck for Monday." mom says through skype.

"Yeah good luck." Dad adds.

"Thank you. Call you soon. Bye bye." I say just before I turn off my pc and leave the living room.

"Couldn't you have talked to them in your room?" Harry asks raising the TV volume.

"No , because it seems like I am having Wi-Fi connection troubles from there. I will try to fix it soon. It is probably my pc." I answer wondering why he waited until I finished if he was so annoyed.

I sit on my desk and start writing in my journal.

Half an hour later I lift my head trying to find the correct word to use, when I notice Harry in the hallway looking at me. I frown and he immediately enters his room shutting the door behind him.

I shake my head and go back to searching for the right word to use. But I am not able to find it. So I decide to stop. Journal is nothing but extraordinary feelings put into ugly words that will never explain them right.

* Hey there !

Well I just wanted to say that I know these chapters might be a little boring but I promise you it'll be different very soon

Love ya

- Yara :) x *

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