Part 2 - An Annoying Council and A Start Of Trust

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Tsunades POV 

After several long discussion, arguments, explanations, agreements, compromises and some more arguments, I was able to convince the council on Akiras sudden arrival and settlement in our village. 

Of course i had to be truthful about the situation to the council, but to the council only.

The message that went to all other upper ranked ninja included Shizune, Kakashi, Guy etc was that Akira was a ninja (one of the agreements I had been forced to make with the elders) from a village quite far away, and has moved here to be of assistance to the leaf village in its time of need (this was mixed with some truth as the death of 3rd hokage and the battle in the village had indeed depleted quite a few resources)

Orion had come by in the evening to see whether everything was okay. 

He told me a bit more about Akira to help me understand the situation. He made sure to respect akiras privacy and not disclose too much information.

Akira was extremely strong. He emphasised once again to make it clear, though she might seem eccentric he guaranteed she always meant well. It might be hard to talk to her a lot, but she is efficient in communicating when it comes to work. She takes all her duties seriously and I can count on her to get things done. 

And she dosent like talking about her personal life either. He seemed to emphasise that as well.

Before he left he did say something odd I wasn't completely able to understand.

"Who knows, you might just end up helping her more than she helps you." he said with an aura of mystery 

I tried not to think much about it. Itll make sense when it makes sense.


Next Day

It was 5 50  in the morning. Akira left the tiny apartment she had rented out near the Hokage's tower

She figured it would be better if she stayed close by + she wasn't picky about the place she stayed at as she wouldn't be spending too much time there anyway. she would be either working or if not that, training

Akira's pov

"I'm sure it's going to take some time to gain the Hokage's trust. Not only her but everyone else too...

oh well... I don't have any bad intentions so it shouldn't be a problem for too long.

......unless they found No, what am i thinking, they won't find out. I won't let anyone find out. ever.

"Istg why did the gods and Orion have to drag me into this mess? 

"You should be a bit more social Akria."

I was fine alone doing my job and training. I don't need to socialize. I don't want to socialize. nobody wants me to socialize."


Akira reached the Hokage tower and made her way to Tsunade's office

she knocked on the door and shortly received a come-in.

she entered the room to a drowsy-looking lady Tsunade who let out a yawn

"oh right're here..." she said as she stretched her hands.

akira gave a short bow. "morning, Tsunade sama, I'm here at 6 as you had requested. what can I do for you ?"

"yes of course, first sit down, lets get some ground rules set." she said motioning toward the lone chair in front of her desk 

She sat down as instructed. 

"Is it possible for you to pretend to be a ninja?" Tsunade asked carefully 

"I suppose I could, i learnt about the chakra you use and was able to feel it within me, in order to pretend to be a ninja i just need to be able to channel chakra when needed right? 

"Thats right."

"I think a few exercises for chakra control should be enough to fool a ninja with sensory powers."

"Excellent, but your elemental and sword skills should be able to cover for ninjutsu and kenjutsu right? Anything else to worry about?"

"not exactly, unless its a serious situation i might have to rely on a few stronger powers, but otherwise i can handle things with simple taijutsu and kenjutsu too." She assured

Tsunade, satisfied with her answer pulled out a konoha headband from a drawer and handed it to her.

"you can wear it anyhow you want, but i suggest you do, It would help gain the peoples trust if you know what i mean."

"Right..of course." Akira took the headband and chose to wear it arounds her arm.

"Well, you are now officially a Leaf village Jonin."

Akira accepted with a nod 

"Would you like to be my personal assistant after Shizune? Itd help me gain your trust quite a bit."

"Sure that sounds fine." Akira gave a nod

"well for your first task ......can you get me some breakfast, shizune isn't in yet and I'm starving :D "

"alright. what do you want?" she asked unfazed by the unexpected question 

"Hmmm...some miso soup with a side of chicken should be nice. You can find your way to the kitchen?"

"Yes dont worry ill be just fine."  Akira said as left the room 

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