Part 6 Shes too strong...

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Akira had wandered off to one of the training grounds and started practicing some on her moves in hand to hand combat (taijutsu as she would learn to call it)

She heard jiraiya move towards her from around half a mile away

It was not a crucial time of the mission but that dint mean akira let her guard down

"So i assume your the girl who's been given the mission to protect this village?"
Asked jiraiya as he came close to her

"Thats me." Came akiras blunt reply
"May i ask who you are?"

"Im Jiraiya! The great toad sage of mount myoboku!" Jiraiya replied enthusiastically
"But if your looking for a reference i guess you could say im Tsunades former team mate."

"I see, one of the sannin, may i ask what you want to talk to me about then, master Jiraiya?" Asked akira politely

"Well, i was kinda hoping to have a little spar with you to get to know your strength you know."

"Alright i suppose I wouldn't mind that."

"Okay i want you to give your all ok!?" Jiraiya said as he got into a fighting stance

Akira just said "hn" as she returned a fighting stance

Both dashed towards each other as akira striked a first heavy blow with a side kick at jiraiyas head which the sage was able to block with his hand

"Woah thats some power!"

Then it was jiraiyas turn to deal some blows at his opponent which were seamlessly repelled by the young girl After which she returned with a series of blows and kicks from all directions with great speed.
This time jiraiya only blocked a few
After dealing a good amount of blows akira backed away still in fighting position

"I assume thats not all you got and are holding back. Because you dint even make me use 10% of my actual strength"

"10 % Jesus christ! I know i was holding back but thats still some good amount of power and great defence right there!
Lets take this up a notch shall we ?" He said with a grin

They continued trading blows while increasing the intensity


Hokage tower past sunset

Jiraiya dropped through the window into tsunade's office on the floor with a loud bam.

"Wth jiraiya!?" Tsuande asked shocked at her old teammates appearance

He was lying only the floor completely exhausted

"! How.. one point i even stopped holding back! Still! I barely made her use half her actual strength. This girl is much more powerful than just a kage tsunade, especially with all the other powers she claims to possess. Jiraiya stated finally calming down

"Woah...if she left you in such a state i see that my fears were true. Now this just puts me in fix. Either where she comes from and her whole story is true and that she does indeed intent to protect this village and assist me or ......"

"Yeah ....or....." jiraiya said as he stood up

"I thought that maybe i could trust her after all she told me about herself and all her powers, but at this point it dosent matter. The power she holds is so great that it dosent even have to be an element of surprise to be of any effect. She can destroy this village if she wanted to...."

"Oh comon dont be so negative, the girl dosent seem to be so bad despite her.....aura. Plus i have never seen someone be so open about their strengths, be so suspicious and still show a dark shady side. Seems to me she's just being herself." Jiraiya argued

" would be absolutely stupid of her to show that appearance when she knows she isnt trusted......." Tsunade wondered
"Well, I think I'm gonna test her out myself!" Tsunade proclaimed

"What, you don't trust me?" Jiraiya asked slightly hurt

"Nono , I just want to get to know her fighting style better you know."

"Alright I guess, well, I can assure you you'll have fun, and also that you will lose."

"Shut up, I know she's stronger than me ok." slightly annoyed

"Mhm , when do u plan to fight?"

"Idk, I guess I'll let her know and we can do it tomorrow?" Tsunade thought
"Why what are you thinking about?" She asked her friend who seemed to be in deep thought

"Maybe we could make it public for ninja, uk boost morale, get to know her strength, easier to accept her, u know where im going.."

"You want me to publicly humiliate myself as hokage by losing to a 14 yo girl?" Tsunade asked in a deadpanned tone

"Nooo, I'm saying u guys have a good fight and after a while just call it a draw." Admit it it's a good idea

Tsunade sighed
"Fine I suppose that's okay, inform Akira and then spread the word after."

Alright then that settles it. I'll be back after doing so and then we're grabbing a drink and you're telling me everything about her." Jiraiya stated

"Ughh fine a drink dosent sound so bad, I'll get the last of this paper work done with before you come back."
Tsunade wasn't going to hide anything from Jiraiya, after all he was almost as good as a council member, actually better, considering the council members were severely narrow minded old hags. 

"Great! I'll be back soon." He said leaving through the window

"There's still a door you know....." Tsunade muttered to herself

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