Part 8 - A second Mission

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Tsunade and Jiraiya at the Bar the same evening of the duel.

"Dammit that fight got me all sore....Akira sure is damn strong" Tsunade complained as she stretched her back and hands

The two had gotten a seat at a bar and sat facing each other.

" made her use 60% of her power, thats really not bad Tsunade, seeing we know how strong she is." Jiraiya complimented her

"Well of course, I specialise in taijutsu, but your forgetting that its 60% only for her taijutsu, in reality overall im sure shes much stronger..." Tsunade commented wonderingly

"So... what do you think? About her fighting style that is?" Jiraiya asked
After all that was the whole point of the duel

"Ill be honest, I genuinely did not sense any kind of serious offence in her attacks, i sensed the fact that she dint mean any harm at all, just like any other duel..... Ughh this is such a mess i cant decide how much i can trust her.... On one hand she's extremely strong and can actually be very useful for the village but if she isnt.... " Tsunade trailed off letting jiraiya complete her thoughts by himself

"I understand, she is very powerful, but at this point not trusting her wont make any difference at all, you could have 1000 shinobi against her including you and me and i still don't think we would stand a chance... so instead of being cautious and untrusting which wouldn't help our case either way, i say you should look toward building up your trust." Jiraiya advised

"You're right, thats the only way to tackle it, guess ill start her up with some missions tomorrow then." Tsunade said as she took another gulp of her sake

"What kind of missions are you thinking about?" Asked Jiraiya

"Well, i guess i would start her off with b ranks, she dosent deserve c or d ranks at this stage, something simple, not of much importance, you know."

"Hmm, that sounds about right." Jiraiya agreed

"All I have to remember is I have to trust her, although I cant become too laid back." Tsunade commented

"Thats right, it might be a bit tricky at first but you'll get used to it, you have a good instinct after all, youll know when somethings up." He said with a grin

Tsunade gave an amused scoff, "yeah, thats right." She said with a small smile as she took another gulp of sake.


Next day Hokage Tower

Akira knocked on Tsunade's door at her usual reporting time.

After no reply akira tried to sense whether tsunade was in there. Sensing Tsunade's presence she knocked again and even called out "Tsunade sama?"

Again there was No reply so akira popped a peek in to see what her boss was up to.

To nobody's surprise Tsunade had fallen asleep on her desk, a deep sleep which was evident by all the drooling over the pile of paperwork.

Akira sighed softly and walked toward Tsunade and called out again a bit louder.

"Huh- " Tsunade woke up with a start as she realised she had unknowingly fallen asleep

"Did i dose off?" She asked absent minded still half asleep as she wiped the drool off her face and set her hair right

Akira gave a small nod to Tsunade's question

"Ugh.... Sorry, what time is it again?" She asked Akira

"Its 6 o clock..... since when have you been here?" Akira asked

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