[41] Don't Do It

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Writer's POV

Alison hasn't stopped pacing back and forth since the phone call she had with Emma's mother. She was told to stay calm and that everything was going to be fine but she simply couldn't. She couldn't just continue her life and pretend like everything was ok, while Emma was reported missing.

Oh god, she really hates that word. She's been hearing it ever since she disappeared and for once she wanted the word 'missing' to go away, forever.

Alison's mind is so clouded by this that she totally forgot that Emily was in the room. That's of course is until Emily, the one she was supposed to be focused on this entire week, stands up from the couch and touches her shoulder.

"Hey, babe Emma is gonna be found. She cares too much about you and her mother that she wouldn't just leave." Alison immediately speaks, "but Em what if she didn't leave and something actually happened to her?"

Emily could tell Alison was really worried. Alison usually never worries. She's strong. But at this particular moment she doesn't see Alison strong, she sees her vulnerable. "Ali, I don't know Emma much but what I do know is that she's very strong and capable of going through any obstacle. You don't have to worry Ali, Emma will be okay."

With that Alison plops down onto the couch, her mind still flowing with "what if's". She runs her hand through her hair in frustration, while trying to process everything. She simply doesn't get why Emma would do something this stupid. Alison knew Emma too well and she wouldn't ever think Emma would do this.

Minutes passed and now Alison is tapping her right foot and bitting her nails. She usually could wait an hour but this situation was different. She felt like she had to do something beside just sitting and waiting for something just to pop up.

Just as she was about to explode, her phone rang. In a second Alison picked her phone up, clicking the green button to answer the call.

It was Emma's mother.

"Ali, Emma hasn't appeared but I think we got a lead here. The police officers were able to track down Emma's phone and we found a location. The location is near the cabin that you told me you're staying at. So I'm asking you Alison, please drive around and look for my Emma. If you find anything please call me as soon as you can."

Millions of thoughts were going through Alison's head but she could only get out a simple "yes of course" answer. Emma's mom quickly after hung up and left Alison very confused.

"Ali, is everything alright?" Emily asked gently.

Alison got up, ignoring Emily and grabbed Emily's car keys. "Don't ask questions, just drive. I'll explain everything on the way there."

Now Emily was confused but she obeyed Alison's order and followed her outside, were her car was parked.


Alison had explained what Emma's mother said, to Emily. They both were currently driving all around the cabin for a sign of Emma. But so far no luck. Alison was getting a little more inpatient. She just wanted to find Emma and hug and slap the shit out of her. Emily on the other hand was very confused. She was still stuck on the fact that Emma's phone was tracked somewhere near this cabin and how they were the ones playing hide and seek and not the police. She kept trying to guess answers to these questions but nothing helped.

It had been minutes almost an hour since they've been looking around. They pasted the lake, the little shack, the public walkway and even the abandoned house but no sign of Emma.

Emily and Alison were close to reaching their last destination, the bridge. They were both depending on this location, it was either Emma is here or her phone was stolen and dropped here.

Alison really hoped they found Emma here. She was starting to get tired and exhausted. Alison looked on the right and looked at the window when she saw a person on the ledge of the bridge. Almost as if they were going jump. Alison was relieved but then fear flooded her body. Her heart was now pounding 100x faster. Could it be Emma?

"Emily stop!"

Emily hit the breaks and looked at Alison. Alison got out carefully and steadily. Emily was about to follow her girlfriend when Alison nodded her head no (indicating to not follow.)

As Alison got closer she realized it was in fact Emma who was standing on the ledge of the bridge. She tried study her face but she was getting nothing. Alison was now a few feet from Emma.

"Emma." She called out.

Emma turned her head and saw her one true love. Emma didn't expect Alison to be here. She planned on getting this done before anyone could find her.

Alison noticed something off, the person in front of her wasn't the Emma she knows. She got closer and now saw the difference. Emma was drunk.

"Emma, please step away from there." Alison said, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Seeing Emma like this broke her heart.

"Why should I? Everything in my life is ruined! I might as well end it before it gets worse." Emma managed to say (for she was really drunk and could barley keep her balance or talk)

"What the hell are you talking about? Emma you got people who love you! Why would you want to put them through this?!" Tears were now dripping down onto Alison's cheek.

"Oh please, love me?! You don't love me! You love Emily! I lost you! You are my everything! If I can't be with you, then what's the point of living? I'm going to have to hide my feelings when I see you and Emily together. Do you know how hard that is?! Seeing your true love being with person who isn't you!"

Emma's words hit Alison hard. Yeah, Alison knew Emma had a crush on her but she didn't know that Emma loves her. She felt horrible. Now she wanted to be the person who jumped.

"Emma, I'm sorry. I love you I really do but Emily is the person I've always loved. She's my soulmate. Without her I don't think I'll be able to live. Just like if you jump, I don't think I can ever get over it. So please, I'm begging you, do not jump."

Emma closed her eyes and took a breath in before responding, "Fine I won't. But can I just kiss you one last time before I get back into reality?"

Alison knew Emily was listening so she turned her head back and looked at Emily. Emily gave a small nod. Emily herself knew what it was like to love a person only for that person to not love you back, so she made an exception.

Alison turned back to Emma and nodded. Emma leaned in slowly, still standing on the ledge, and connected her lips with Alison's. Emma felt an explosion in her stomach go off. Their lips moved in sync. This was the best feeling Emma ever felt. This was the best day Emma ever had.

The kiss lasted for only seconds. When they pulled away, Emma's eyes locked into Alison's eyes. Blue on Blue. Although Emma knew exactly what was going on, she was still drunk. Emma tried moving away from the ledge when she took a wrong step and fell.



sorry for the cliffhanger. and sorry for the long time to update. I wanted this chapter to be good for y'all. this is definitely at the top of the list of my favorite chapters in my entire book. please tell me what you think and leave any suggestions you have!! thanks again for reading! love y'all

xoxo c

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