[43] Critical Condition

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Writer's POV

Emma's eyes flickered open and adjusted to the bright light above her. She tried to move but immediately regretted it. She attempted to speak but nothing came out. Her thoughts were going crazy. She had no clue where she was or how long she had been here.

That was until the door opened and revealed a tall, not so muscular man.

"Oh you're finally awake!" The man said as Emma slowly nodded.

"I bet you're wondering where you are and who I am." Emma nodded again.

"Well firstly, I'm Dr. Finch but you can call me Jack," Jack said as he took a seat next to Emma. "And you're in the hospital. I can't read minds so I don't know how much you remember. But I can tell you some things, do you want me to?" Jack asked and Emma nodded. "Ok, well the report says that you were involved in some sort of suicide attempt with two other people-"

Emma's mind cut off Jack as she started getting flashbacks of the accident.


Emma's POV

I'm at a bar, drinking my ass off. Every single guy that passed by me, has tried to buy me a drink or touch me. It's disgusting and they're not even hot. Ugh why did I have to come here.

Oh that's right, Alison turned me down.

God, why do I always fall in love with a girl who's madly in love with someone else? And why couldn't Alison see that I can treat her just as nice, and even more, as Emily? I hate girls but then again I love them.

I take two shots of what I think is vodka and flea the bar.


I have no clue where I'm walking to but my mind is telling me where to go so I don't fight it. There's no cars currently driving so I'm walking on the road. It's dark and all I can see is the bright yellow lines that follow the road.

The sun is starting to rise and I'm still walking. I don't know how I managed to keep walking and not pass out but I did. The alcohol in my body is wearing off but not to the point were I'm not stumbling as I walk.

The sun is completely up now and I finally reach what my mind was looking for.

The bridge.

I step closer and closer until I'm fully in the ledge. I stay there for a couple of minutes, telling myself to do it but my body won't cooperate with my mind.

All of a sudden I hear, "Emma." The only voice I didn't want to hear at the moment.


"Fine I won't. But can I just kiss you one last time before I get back into reality?"

Somehow Alison managed to stop me from what I was going to do. I still love Alison but I know I can't have her. So, I'm gonna let her go after one last kiss.

The kiss is gentle, soft and everything I've ever dreamed of. This is truly the best day of my life.

But it was gone when I took the wrong step and fell off the bridge. The last thing I heard was Alison's ear piercing scream.

End of Flashback

"Hello Ms Emma can you hear me?" Jack said, cutting me from my thoughts.

"W-Where's A-Alison?" I managed to get out. My eyes were now tearing up.

"Emma, what happened just now?" Jack said, ignoring my question.

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