[12] Secret's Out

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Hanna's POV;

"Because Ali is pregnant! She has been pregnant for 3 months." I had to say it or else Emily could get hurt.

"Hanna your lying" Spencer said

"'A' told me and said if I don't separate Ali and Emily she would hurt both of them. At the time I didn't care about Ali getting hurt but I cared about Emily" I was yelling and I could feel I was about to burst out in tears

Emily's POV;

I couldn't believe Hanna. Ali wouldn't hide something this big from me. Or would she? And why would she?

"Ali is this true" I manage to say

Ali looked guilty and she was crying. "Ali is it?" I didn't even notice that I was crying. I guess I just knew the answer.

"Yes but-"

"Ali why would you keep this from me?"


"I thought we were a couple and we didn't need to keep secrets?" I didn't even care about what Alison was going to say, I just kept on yelling. And then Alison slap me.


"Sorry you didn't let me finish" I knew Alison would just say she was sorry but this time I couldn't forgive her.

"Go on." Spencer said.

"I didn't tell you everything back in 'philly' I couldn't tell you everything because I was embarrassed and scared..."

Alison's POV;

Hanna had told about my pregnancy but she didn't know everything.

"I didn't tell you everything back in 'philly' I couldn't tell you everything because I was embarrassed and scared..." I knew I had to tell them but I scared on how they would react in new york.

"I-I was a-abused by some one in a black mask. The person found me somehow and that day Noel was with CeCe and I was alone. This person slapped and kick me around. HE R-RAPED ME.. I couldn't do anything. I was screaming for help but nothing happened. that's how i got pregnant-"

"Ali you don't need to keep on going" Emily was trying to help but I needed to get this off my chest. "No Em, let me finish"

"When I came back to RoseWood, I told Jason and he took me to a doctor... and a few days ago... I lost the baby.. something went wrong and the baby died inside me. There it's out. I wanted to forget about it and leave it behind me but I guess some people don't know how to handle something. THANKS HANNA FOR EVERYTHING, I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR SO CALLED FRIENDS." In matter of seconds after saying that I ran out of Spencer's home and just ran somewhere. I just wanted to be alone and cry.

Hanna's POV;

Paige and Sydney left trying to not get in the way of anything.

"I'm so sorry guys I didn't know" I tried to apologize

"No Hanna you ruined everything. You always do. You couldn't even keep one secret in for your real best friend. How can you be so cruel to a person who just finished going through hell." Aria was really mad and I would be to. Then she slapped me.

Emily's POV;

When Ali ran out I didn't know what to do. Then all of a sudden Aria slaps Hanna. She deserved it though. I was starting to get worried about Alison so I ran out to go find her.

Spencer's POV;

People were running out and people were getting slapped.

"Wait so 'A' is back?" I had to ask.

"I guess" Hanna said while rubbing her check.

"So what do we do now" Aria said

"We have to wait until we hear something about Alison.. "

Alison's POV;

I ran until I couldn't run anymore. I was at the kissing rock. As I took a breathe I just broke down and said "Emily is never going to forgive me. I love her so much and I didn't even tell her about me being pregnant." I continued to cry until I heard something.

"Hello? Is anyone there" I was starting to get nervous. "Is anyone there?" I said again.

Emily's POV;

I knew where Alison would go. So I ran as fast as I could to go get her. I didn't want her being alone at night.

I saw Alison crying. I didn't want to see her like this. It broke my heart. As I got closer I stepped on a stick.

"Hello? Is anyone there"

"Is anyone there?"

"Ali, it's me"

Alison looked scared and just ran into my arms. "I'm sorry for not telling you that I was preg-" I cut her off with a kiss. "You don't need to say sorry, I get why you didn't tell me. i love you Alison and even if you were pregnant i would still love you"

"I love you too Emily" I gave her one last kiss and just sat on the rock. "Em, I wasn't being totally honest."

"What do you mean Ali?"

"I know who raped me"

"Ali who?"

"I-It was N-Noel"


I don't know how I feel about this chapter. Half of me likes it and the other half doesn't. But I hope you liked it.

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xoxo Cat

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