Episode 1: None Down, Nineteen to Go-Part 1

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Don's POV:
"This is Toronto, the capital of North America, birthplace of funk where the albino panther roams free. Beneath my manly size-13 brogues 19 teams are arriving at this historic train station ready to embark on a race across the world. I'm your host Don and this is the Ridonculous Race!" I announced before flashing the camera a smile.

"Welcome to the Ridonculous Race. Right now, nineteen teams from across the world are readying themselves to embark on a race to the death!" My earpiece rang and I heard my colleague on the other end. "Not to the death? Okay, let's meet the teams that aren't racing to the death,"

3rd Person POV/ introduction to Marnie and Kristen:
"Marnie and Kristen, sisters from England who enjoy taking risks and doing dangerous dares," Don introduced the sisters. The two were sitting in two chairs on a train, Marnie was listening to music on her phone while Kristen was reading a book and smiling at her younger sister.

Marnie and Kristen (confessional)
"Marnie and I both enjoy going thrill seeking with each other so we thought why not enter this race. It's a great way to go adventuring," Kristen smiled.

"We also want to help Kristen pay for her tuition to med school cause we can't afford it. And though there's that. I want to try and find someone well special," Marnie said blushing slightly. Kristen smirked and raised an eyebrow.

End Confessional

Marnie POV:
The two of us exited the train and walked up to some sliding doors. I spotted Total Drama Veteran Geoff and his partner who looked around my age. There were also the two Canadian figure skaters who pathetically lost at the Olympics. There was also another pair of sisters, two gothic teenagers around my age, there were also Total Drama veterans Owen and Noah. Alongside them there was also a set of twins who looked like they'd suffered the whole of their lives. Then there was this really buff couple who looked totally in love with each other, also a set of best friends. In addition there was a teenaged girl and her mother who looked like they were out of their element.

"Right this way teams! Over here," Don called us over. Soon enough all of the other teams had joined up with us.

"Welcome contestants, this is the starting line for your 26-part race around the world! Each part ends at a chill zone, get there fast. Because the last team to touch the carpet of completion may be cut from the competition. But the first team to reach our last chill zone will win one million dollars." Don announced, I cheered as my sister wrapped me in a hug.

"Look over here," Don said, getting our attention again. "This is a Ridonculous tip box also known as the Don box. Press this button (he pointed to a big red button on the box's head). To get the travel tips that will lead you through the Ridonculous Race, ready teams?" we all got in position and got ready. "On your marks...get set...race!" Don said before we all trampled and ran on top of him to get to the box.

"Race on foot to the CN tower and find the Don box to get your next tip," Kristen read, as we took off. We went running alongside the surfers, and in front of us the Ice Dancers had somehow got themselves stuck in a bin.

"Whoa nasty, are you guys okay?" Geoff asked as they quickly recovered and continued running. "Whoa, rad," he exclaimed as Kristen held me back from running forward. I immediately realised why when the surfers got hit by the bin falling back down.

"Come on, let's go!" I said, pushing them forward. With Kristen helping me. As we arrived at the tower Kristen and I went toward the Don box. That was when we heard a bang, and it turned out that the surfers had run into a pole and fallen to the ground.

"It's an either or we get the choice of stairs or scares," Kristen read, I looked at the tip before smiling.

"Scares!" I exclaimed, jumping with glee at the idea of a skywalk. We approached the lift with several teams following us but when we reached the lift I saw all the buttons had already been pushed.

"Hey who pushed all the buttons?" Geoff asked.

"Come on Marnie, let's go!" Kristen said, before gripping my arm and heading toward the stairs. But we quickly stopped at the fourth flight, and started switching between walking and running every fourth flight so we wouldn't tire ourselves out.

"Doing great girls keep it up!" Brody complimented. As I smiled at him he gave me a quick smile back.

"Right back at ya!" Kristen said, as she turned back and signalled for me to speed up we decided to keep up with the Surfers for the rest of the climb up the stairs.

"We're doing great guys! Our calves are gonna be so toned after this!" Geoff tried lightening the mood as we passed Dwayne Sr.

"Yeah totally we're going to look like Greek gods from the knees down," Brody smiled at me.

"Can't wait to see the results," Kristen laughed. I laughed as we continued scaling the stairs. Once we finally reached the top Kristen leaned against the frame, as I leant against my knees.

"Yeah! We did it! Ahh!" Brody cheered before he fell to the ground and yelling out in pain. "My calves! My calves!" He yelled, gripping his legs, I kneeled down next to him. As The Father and Son passed us.

"Good job pal!" Dwayne Sr. complimented his son who had continued running as his father tried keeping up.

"We did it baby!" Stephanie exclaimed as she and Ryan got to the top of the stairs.

"Whoa, watch your step sweet cheeks," Ryan said before he picked her up and continued running carrying his girlfriend on his shoulder.

"If only," I thought to myself.

"Brody calm down! Breathe!" I said. Kristen then ran toward the guide to get us a tip.

"Oh! Leg cramp! Oh! Oh!" Brody exclaimed.

"Dude keep breathing and you'll be fine," I smiled lightly.

"She's right, keep breathing like pant it out, let me hear you!" Geoff said as the Stepbrothers trudged past us. Moments later the Adversity Twins passed us. Jay pulling Mickey along the ground and dragging him by the leg.

"Almost there Mickey, stay with me," he told his brother.

"I'm a dainty princess," Mickey muttered as he was dragged past us.

"Come on guys, we gotta move!" Geoff said, grabbing Brody's hands and the collar of my sweater, I suddenly remembered something from one of Kristen's boring med school books.

"Potassium! He needs potassium!" I yelled.

"Does anybody have a banana?!" Geoff yell-asked, as both Kristen and the guide gave him a questioning look. Soon enough we reached the zip line we went before Geoff and Brody and after the Stepbrothers. I could hear them yell at each other. As we went down the zip line I grabbed the tip while also holding onto Kristen's shoulders soon enough we'd reached the other end of Lake Ontario and Kristen and I banged into the crash mats and landed on top of Chet and Lorenzo.

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed.

"You didn't break any bones did you?" Kristen asked, I gave her a look and she backed down. Then I heard groaning and I saw Chet and Lorenzo.

"Oh sorry guys," I said as Kristen and I got off them. A few minutes later Geoff and Brody landed on top of them. Geoff was still carrying Brody over his shoulder

"Sorry, thanks for breaking our falls dudes," he smiled at the Stepbrothers. Kristen then read our tip.

"Morocco? Sweet! Marnie we need to go buy peanuts!"

"Awesome! Wait up!" Geoff exclaimed. He joined us as we ran toward the airport ditching our helmets. We got to the front desk and booked two seats to Morocco, It turned we were on the last flight which was disappointing.

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