Episode 11: I Love Ridonc & Roll

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Marnie POV:

The next day came and with it a very angry Kristen

Confessional: Marnie:

"Yesterday I told Kristen about everything that had happened. She was fuming and felt like punching Brody across his chiselled fa- hey none of that I have to hate him," I said to myself. "Either way, we still have the alliance with the surfers but Kristen said she'd break it up with them today but I'm just gonna have to wait and see what happens, today,"

End Confessional

Kristen hit the button on the Don box and read it after the dater-haters left:

"Fly to Oulu, Finland," she read.

"Finland?" I questioned, as we left the Great Wall of China and we ran down to a nearby taxi stand.

"Taxi!" I yelled, trying to get the attention of one of the taxis. But it only raced past us. Looking up at Kristen, then I spotted that her big sister mode had been activated. Which meant she wasn't gonna hold back any more punches. As another taxi passed us Kristen got really angry she ran after the taxi. Then she ran in front of it and stopped the taxi by pushing against it and stopping the car from going any further. This was when I remembered I chose to do this race with my sister for a reason. We got into the taxi and the driver took off in the direction of the airport, and soon enough we got to the airport. Then we caught the next flight out of Beijing toward Finland. But the flight was gonna last for more than fifteen hours. I spent most of it just reading a book I'd packed. My sister on the other hand spent most if not all of the flight glaring at Brody. A little bit later Kristen left to use the bathroom. But I knew what she was actually up to. She was off to call off our alliance with them.

Kristen POV:

Begrudgingly, I headed across the plane looking for Brody and Geoff. Yesterday, Marnie told me everything. On the one hand I understood where she was coming from but they were not in a fixed relationship. But I didn't want to spend any more time with a guy who hurt my sister. So I walked over to them.

"Guys we need to talk," I said.

"Sure what's up?" Geoff asked.

"We're gonna have to call it quits on the alliance," I said.

"Why what's wrong?" Brody asked obliviously, this was my tipping point. Grabbing a nearby glass of ice water I threw it in his face.

"What's wrong is that you hurt Marnie! You dick!" I yelled, Brody spluttered wiping the water off his face with his top. "Sorry Geoff," I said before walking away. Walking back to my sister I sat down and waited for the plane to land, and I tried to calm myself down. Once it did arrive, all thirteen teams raced out of the plane and we grabbed a taxi as fast as we could. However we arrived there rather late with the other sister team just behind us. Getting out, Emma and I each took a tip from the Don box.

"Hi," Kitty smiled at us.

"Hey," Marnie said, kind of defeated.

"What's wrong, aren't you the spunky one?" Emma asked.

"Boy trouble," I said.

"Oh, we can relate, right Em?" Kitty said, as her sister groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Should we work together?" Marnie suggested.

"Alright, but only for this leg, unless we make a different decision," Emma said.

"Cool," I said before reading the tip. "All-in, Finnish spa day. We have to sit in a dry sauna, fully clothed on the highest heat for ten minutes. Then to get our next tip we have to cross the semi frozen river," We then entered the sauna building.

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