Episode 13: Shawshank Ridonc-tion

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3rd Person POV:

"We're back in Zambezi National Park where yesterday's winners are about to collect today's first tip," Don said, as Marnie and Kristen got to the starting line ready to go.

Marnie and Kristen confessional:

"This is so great but we know the Icers are officially out for blood. But now we just have to hope it isn't our blood they want," Kristen smiled nervously.

"So we lose a bit of blood, big deal, we just have to fire back twice as hard," Marnie smiled.

End confessional

Marnie then smashed down on the Don box and grabbed a tip. "We're going to Australia! Cool! But first we have to grab a bus to Zimbabwe's Harare international airport, then book a flight to Melbourne, that's where we're gonna find our next tip," she read as the Police Cadets also grabbed a tip.

"I guess now we'll have to double double time it," Sanders smiled.

"Yeah, we're gonna fourthuple time it," Macarthur said as she and Marnie hi-fived. Then the four of them ran over to the bus Macarthur banged on the double doors.

"Open up! Come on man!" she said. The doors opened and the four of them saw the driver sitting in his chair reading a newspaper.

"What are you mindless or just lazy?" Marnie asked, taking his newspaper. Soon enough all the teams had gotten on board. Then suddenly the Ice Dancers jumped on board only now dressed in black, as they waved to the cameras everyone else looked on in disbelief.  After a short enough ride the bus stopped and all of the teams ran out to get a flight.

Kristen POV:

As soon as we reached the airport Marnie and I ran as fast as we could to get to the ticket stand and grabbed a pair of tickets for the flight to Melbourne. Then after a run through the airport we reached our gate and it was only then that I realised something.

"Uh oh, Marnie it looks like we aren't sitting together," Kristen said, looking at the tickets.

"Oh that's okay," she said, taking a ticket. I smiled as we got on the plane. The two of us separated as I walked to the back and Marnie took her seat in row three.

Marnie POV:

I sat down in my seat at the window, and plugged my headphones in listening to Rihanna as the plane took off, but suddenly I heard a far too familiar voice.

"Kay bro, I'll see you after the flight," Brody then sat down next to me. I tried hiding in my own sweater but I literally had no way of escaping this. I knew it was just a matter of time before he spotted me. He sat down in the middle seat as the plane took off. And when we were in the air and the seatbelt sign turned off Brody chose to break the tension between him and me.

"Hey Marnie," he smiled at me. So the hottest guy I'd ever met was talking to me after betraying my trust a few days ago. How do I respond?

"Hi," I said in a low tone.

"Look, could we please talk in a civil way?" he asked. "Last time I talked to one of you, I got a glass of ice water in the face," he said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sorry about that," I said, tucking some loose hair behind my ear.

"Look I'm really sorry about what I did but Geoff and I both really want the alliance to continue," he said smiling at me slightly.

"Brody, thanks for the apology, bu-" I tried before we were cut off by an air horn going off Suddenly Don came on the screen on the chair in front of me:

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