20: El Bunny Supremo

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Marnie POV:

The next day Kristen grabbed the third tip of the day,

"We're going to Mexico," she read

"Olé!" I smiled, throwing my hands in the air, then I turned back to Kristen. "What else?" I asked.

"To get to Mexico we have to go on an eighteen hour drive on a chicken bus, we take it to the cliffs in Acapulco," she finished reading.

"Cool, you think we'll get to go bungee jumping again?" I asked.

"Maybe, come on let's go," Kristen smiled, we got onto the bus and I took out my headphones and turned on the music by FameTown. I knew Kristen loved that music more than I did so I let her take one of the earbuds. A couple hours later she'd fallen asleep and I turned off the music. Suddenly, I caught a whiff of burritos I looked in the direction of Brody and Geoff. I saw Brody make a goofy yet somehow still very attractive face at the last one. I walked over to them.

"I see Mexican food is treating you well," I smiled I approached and both of them smiled at me.

"You betcha, if I could eat only one food for the rest of my life it'd be bus station burritos. Want one?" Brody asked me.

"No thanks, I don't wanna get stomach issues," I said.

"Alright more for us," Geoff smiled, Macarthur then came up to us.

"You eating that or making out with it?" she asked.

"Ha-ha, don't be jealous my little chalupa. Try it," Brody told the Cadet now offering her the burrito. She was about to eat it when Sanders pulled her away.

"She doesn't want any," she said.

"Oh well," Geoff said, as he and Brody split it in two and ate it. A little bit later the bus had finally stopped because we'd arrived at the cliffs. I lightly slapped Kristen in the face and she woke up.

"I'm up! Sorry mum, the cheerleading made me tired," Kristen said, a little dazed. I giggled slightly and playfully rolled my eyes before I saw Brody and Geoff run off the bus. They looked desperate to use the bathroom after eating all those beans. Once they got off, they got into a bush and let it rip. We ran up to them plugging our noses.

"You guys gonna be okay?" I asked.

"Yup... just go on ahead," Geoff said, straining.

"Ok got it!" Kristen said as she pulled me away. We arrived at the Don box shortly after the Haters, Best Friends, and Police Cadets  and I pressed down on the Don box's button. And then Kristen took the tip.

"It's an all-in. Who loves peppers and who loves dip? For this all-in a team member must one hot pepper from a food cart. Once you've eaten, wave the corresponding flag colour. Then the second team member must make like an Acapulco cliff diver. If we eat the hottest pepper the person jumps off the lowest cliff, then for the middle pepper they jump off the medium sized cliff, then eat the mildest pepper and we jump off the highest cliff. Divers will then find the next tip attached to canteens anchored at the bottom of the bay," Kristen finished.

"Eat the mild pepper! I'll go diving!" I smiled, running toward the ladders. I began ascending quickly. After a couple seconds I was joined by Brody at the first ladder. I began to climb.

Brody POV:

As Marnie was climbing up the stairs, I accidentally looked up and accidentally caught a look at her behind. I felt a massive heat appear on my face and quickly looked away.

"Oh my god, just when I thought she couldn't get more perfect," I thought.

"Are you climbing up?" Ryan asked below me.

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