Episode 16: Little Bull on the Prairie

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Marnie POV:

The next morning Kristen and I got to the Don box and Kristen took the tip so she could read it.

"Go to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump to find the next Don box,"

"Where is that?" I asked.

"It's in Canada," Kristen explained.

"Ooh, fun!" I smiled. Quickly, we grabbed a cab and headed to the airport, quickly getting tickets for the first flight. Which was lucky because they were short on seats for that flight. Kristen and I then raced to the gate and we found out that the other flight was now delayed by an hour. She and I high-fived as we realized the others would be behind and now there was a very low chance of us going home. Soon enough we landed in Canada. And the two of us raced out of the plane and out of the airport. Getting out Kristen found the next Don box and took the next tip. 

"Okay, we've just got to find the pickup truck we can use to get to the dude ranch," Kristen said as we found several red pickup trucks. We got in one and Kristen turned the key but as we were driving we noticed something odd. There was no one in front of us, well aside from the Surfers but they'd been driving alongside us for the whole time.

"What do you think happened?" I asked my sister.

"The Cadets probably rammed the Ice Dancers off that cliff," she said pointing at a cliff where there were prominent tire marks in the ground.

"That does sound like Macarthur doesn't it?" Kristen asked while laughing. After we drove for a little bit longer we reached the Dude Ranch. The two of us unbuckled and then ran out of the truck, so we could get to the Don box A.S.A.P. After a few minutes the Surfers joined us.

"We are so tied for first place, thank you aliens!" Brody smiled, I gave him an odd look. 

"What do you mean by aliens?" I asked. 

"They got rid of the Ice Dancers and the Police Cadets, right?" Brody asked.

"Umm, sure," I said giving him a nervous look and equally nervous laughter. 

"Alright Marnie let's move! Before the aliens get us too!" Brody cheered before he put his arm around me and pulled into a hug. I knew I was blushing like crazy cause I could feel the heat rise to my face and it turning the same color as a pomegranate. Geoff and Kristen then both grabbed a tip.

"It's an all-in," Kristen started.

"Tip your hat, spill your beans and eat like a cowboy by all means," Geoff continued.

"Working together we have to eat an entire pot of pork and beans and then retrieve the tip from the bottom of the pot," she finished. We headed inside and the waitress gave both our teams a massive pot. Kristen gagged.

"Kristen, don't even think about it. Remember, if you can't stomach this that means there's no med-school. And if you don't I'll make sure you never have tea in the morning again," I said, Kristen swallowed. 

"You make a fair point," She said before she grabbed a wooden spoon and started to eat. I smiled before grabbing a spoon and also began eating the food. Every now and then I saw my sister gag and almost spew but every time her cheeks would bulge I just shoved my hand over her lips, and each time I would force her to swallow. More and more teams began to arrive and we were still only halfway through. I had one last ditch idea but I knew Kristen wouldn't like it.

"Okay, listen I have a plan," I said, picking up the pot and standing on the table.

"Oh thank you, that's a great idea, you should totally eat the rest of the bea-" I cut her off by shoving the pot in her face. I saw she was trying to push the pot away. And after a couple more seconds I pulled the pot away. There was around one fifth of beans and pork left in the pot.

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