Episode 9: Hello and Dubai

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Marnie POV:

Because we had come in first in our last leg or tied first with the surfers. We were allowed to grab the first tip.

"Woo! Dibs on first tip!" Geoff cheered, taking the tip

Double Confessional (the Surfers and Daredevils)

"I don't know what's crazier that we're tied for first or that we're not in last!" Geoff said.

"Dude, deep," Brody said, as Kristen and I exchanged confused looks.

End Confessional

So we'd be leaving first. Brody took the tip and read it out to the three of us.

"We're going to Dub-dub-Dubay? Huh?" Brody questioned.

"Let's see," He smiled and held the tip down for me to see.

"It's pronounced Dubai dude," I smiled.

"Oh sorry," he laughed. Continuing to read the tip I found out once we were in Dubai we'd be meant to take a bus to Burj Al Arab, where the next tip waited. Almost crashing into the airport we stood second in line for the ticket queue line.

"Dubai please!" Geoff said. The clerk then looked at his computer and found us a flight.

"Flight leaving now time fourteen seat, rest on next flight," he said, as me and Kristen cheered with the other six teams. Like Don had said, we were allowed to use the world's most opulent first-class section with Geoff and Brody.

"Cannonball!" Geoff cheered as he and Brody cheered, jumping into a pool on the plane.

"Woo-hoo!" Kristen laughed, taking my hand and jumping in. They even served us cookies.

"Mmm! Cookie?" Brody offered Jacques.

"Oh, may we?" Jacques uttered before the flight attendant pushed him out of first class, pulling the curtains in front of his face.

"Huh, guess not," Brody said, turning to the rest of us.

"Whatever, more for us," I laughed as we all dug in and chilled in the hot tub. After around 2 hours Kristen and I got up and went to leave. Going into a changing room I put on my pyjamas and got into a surprisingly comfortable chair. Soon enough, I drifted off to sleep, although I felt someone stand over me before walking away they shortly brushed a finger across my lips. I smiled at this, whoever they were, they were being very gentle, kind and caring. That was when I woke up, but saw no one. It must've just been a dream, I told myself, shaking off the feeling. I did see we'd be landing soon enough so I pulled my sweater over my head and put on my jeans and sneakers. Then joined Kristen as the captain landed the plane in Dubai.

"You okay?" Kristen asked me.

"What? Oh yeah, I just had a bit of weird dream," I said, shaking off Kristen's uneasy expression.

"Tell me about it later," she said, before strapping me in. I hated being protected and being looked down upon by others. Which, you know is kind of difficult considering my height. Either way we patiently waited for the plane to land.

We then got onto a shuttle bus which drove us to the Burj Al Arab. Then rushed off the bus.

Kristen POV:

As we ran off the bus I grabbed the first tip.

"Marnie it's an either or, serve or squidgy,"

"What do they involve?" she asked.

"We can either return a serve each from from the world's toughest ball launcher, the tennis menace. Or we can wash an entire column of windows from the top down," I explained.

"The first one sounds more fun and less arduous," Marnie said, as we took an elevator to the top with the Surfers, Ice Dancers, Best Friends, and Stepbrothers. Marnie was the first to try the challenge with Brody. As they got on the court the launcher spoke up.

"Participate," It said in a robotic voice.

"Okay buddy, you got this?" Geoff asked his partner.

"Good luck Marns," I yelled.

"Don't worry guys we got this!" Brody said confidently, as he pulled Marnie out further with him she blushed a lot because of that, and tried to hide in her oversized sweater.

"You guys got this?!" Geoff asked again.

"We've got this!" Brody said, evidently frustrated. This was until the tennis balls began to fire. He hunched over my sister, and then the two of them ran back to the elevator door.

"We so don't got this dude!" Brody said, standing up normally again. After realising what he'd done Brody and Marnie were completely red in the face. I was surprised she wasn't yelling at him whenever I try protecting her she always get really mad, so I knew this crush was serious. While their antics were adorable and I so wanted Marnie to go for it, we unfortunately had to wait our turn. We saw Carrie go out there, get distracted by Devin talking about his girlfriend because obviously. She then got her tennis racket knocked out of her hands by an oncoming tennis ball. Chet came over and laughed at her before he was knocked out cold by another tennis ball. A little bit later and a few more failed attempts all of the other teams from flight number two arrived at the tennis court. With the Ice Dancers and the Best Friends on the actual court itself.

"Hey my nose isn't bleeding," Mickey said from behind. The tennis robot then fired a tennis ball at the poor kid not so much making his nose bleed but probably breaking it instead. Man, those poor twins cannot catch a break.

"Nosebleed?" his brother asked, as the poor boy then fell over in a dazed state. The tennis menace then continued to fire tennis balls at the crowd. As the parent-child teams switched to window washing. I saw Jacques be the first to return a serve from the tennis menace. Now it was Josee's turn, however before the launcher well launched, A seagull plonked itself on her head. She got frustrated and tried to shoo it away with her tennis racket; she succeeded and the gull flew away. But at this point the tennis menace had fired several tennis balls at the Ice Dancer she missed around five before missing one she was gonna hit, then the cow turned around seeing that she missed she questioned:

"What?! Interference!" she yelled before a tennis ball hit her on the head. She fell to the ground knocked out cold. I heard Marnie snicker at this, and I smirked. Jacques ran over to the psychotic woman, and picked her up. After conversing with her a bit they switched to washing windows. After a couple of others went next and failed. It was now the Dater/Haters team. Their relationship had turned sour quickly just shows what a tough situation can do to you. After egging each other on Stephanie got a ball launched toward her. She knocked her tennis ball back so hard it hit the launcher so hard it flew off the roof. I was worried it might've hit some of the members on opposite teams. Momentarily the launcher returned by a helicopter but visibly was a lot more damaged.

"Participate..." it uttered before firing a weak tennis ball. The adversity twins were to go next but Jay looked like he was about to vomit. Wearily the poor boy walked onto the court and got ready to fire. From below us I heard loud squidgy streaks. When Jay heard this he first looked dazed before accidentally returning the serve, and then the kid flopped over the tennis net.

"Sweet moves tiny bro!" Geoff yelled. Mickey then ran out onto the court and tried to wake his brother up. But that was cancelled when the tennis menace fired a ball and it hit him on the head, knocking him out as well.

"Whoa, twins finish first!" Geoff said, before he, Brody, and the Rockers all started clapping. Marnie and I gave each other very confused looks. Then Marnie went back out on the field with Ryan, Brody, and MacArthur who all returned their serves. I then went on the court with Geoff. I easily returned my tennis ball. And Geoff did the same. Then Spud jumped on the court and returned the serve using his belly. Us and the surfers then quickly got back in the elevator and left the building. At the bottom of the building I grabbed the tip reading that the chill zone was in the Gold Souk today. Marnie and I then took a regular taxi to our destination and raced inside with the surfers right behind us.

"Daredevils you're in 9th! Surfers 10th!" Don told us as we made a group hug. And left for the luxurious Dubai hotel.

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