Episode 8: Hawaiian Honeyruin

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Marnie POV:

The next leg was started by the Ice Dancers unfortunately grabbing the first tip. Josee took it and read:

"Take a donkey cart to Bucharest and fly to...HAWAII!" We got into a cart with the Police Cadets, Rockers and Surfer Dudes. As we went toward the airport the donkey farted as everyone but Sanders and Kristen laughed.

"From Trannsylvania to Hawaii, man this race is epic!" Brody laughed.

"Yeah definitely," I said, inching a little closer to him. Then from the front of the cart Macarthur spoke up:

"Haha, woo donkey! Right back at ya!" with that she stood up and farted back. Okay that was terrible. At the back of the line we heard Stephanie yelling at her donkey as if she was totally nuts. However we got to the airport in good time and after a fifteen hour flight touched down amongst the tropical islands. Coming out of the plane a local gave us a necklace made of local flowers. Which were beautiful. Racing toward the Don box Kristen grabbed the next tip.

"It's a botch-or-watch, whoever didn't do gymnastics in Romania has to go diving for wedding rings?" She questioned.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Now come on finish reading," I smiled.

"Once you've retrieved one of the rings then swim to the bay to meet your partner," Kristen finished. We grabbed a taxi and arrived alongside the Surfers and the Cadets. We watched Carrie accidentally smash into a boulder at the bottom of the jetty. That looked painful. Kristen stood with Geoff and Macarthur, and was ready to dive in.

"Cannonball?" Macarthur asked them.

"Yes!" Geoff cheered as he and Macarthur jumped in.

"Good job bro!" Brody cheered.

"Kris? You gonna go?" I asked.

"Do you think there are sharks?" What if there's a spider crab?" she questioned.

"Look, if I can swim with sharks you can. Now go!" I said before pushing her in she screamed as she splashed into the water.

"Is Kristen gonna be okay?" Sanders then asked me.

"Oh yeah she's a great swimmer. She's just a little bit scared, " I reassured the crushing police cadet.

Confessional: Marnie:

"If it wasn't obvious before, Sanders has a massive crush on Kristen and I know she reciprocates those feelings," I said to the camera, smirking. "Now I've just gotta figure how they can admit their feelings to each other," 

End Confessional

A little bit later Jacques was the first to surface with a ring "Woo! See you on the beach!" Josee cheered before running off.

Kristen POV:

I was searching the floor looking for rings but finding nothing so I swam over to Geoff. He was searching through bushes looking for a ring. Thinking he found something he smiled and held out a thumbs up. I smiled as well until he pulled his arm out of the bush showing us both he'd gotten his hand caught in the mouth of a very angry eel. He screamed as I attempted to pull it off his arm. Eventually it let go and swam off as we continued to search. Shortly, I came across a hole in the wall I looked inside and found two rings I swam back to Geoff and gave him one of the rings  before we swam to the surface.

"Marns, Brody we've both got rings," I yelled.

"Run to the bay. We'll meet you there!" Geoff added.

"Great! Let's go!" Marnie said running off with Brody. Soon enough we reached the tip of the bay and I came out of the water to join my sister.

"Kristen get the tip!" Marnie told me, I grabbed it and started reading:

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