Episode 2: None Down, Nineteen to Go Part 2

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Kristen's POV:

We were waiting at the airport for our plane to arrive. Marnie and I had visited the nearby kiosk and bought a massive bag of peanuts which would hopefully last the whole trip. 

"I think now's the best time to talk to them," Marnie smiled as I saw Brody wave at us. A little earlier the two of us had discussed whether or not we should form an alliance with them. Mainly because we'd already bonded but also because I knew Marnie had a crush on Brody. We approached them as they were both reading a magazine on surfing.

"Hey guys, what do you say about forming an alliance with us?" Marnie asked.

"Really? Yeah that'd be great!" Geoff said, offering me a fist bump. I smiled and accepted it while Brody was talking with Marnie.

Marnie's POV:

"Dude! This is awesome we get to form an alliance!" Brody cheered as I blushed and smiled.

"I know, and it's great that we can help each other during the challenges and bond even more," I smiled as Brody pulled me into a hug. I could feel myself going as red as a beet. A little bit later we were watching the planes take off and calmly waited for our own plane to arrive. As our plane finally came we quickly got on, soon we were in the air, sitting in front of the surfers, and the tennis rivals. When the seatbelt sign turned off, I undid my seatbelt and turned back. To amuse ourselves we started to throw peanuts and pretzels at the Tennis Rivals.

"If you try it with a higher arch you're boss!" I said, tossing a peanut at the tennis rivals.

"I won't let you down dude and dudettes," Brody said, throwing a pretzel into one of their mouths as my peanut landed in his hair.

"Score! Ten points!" Kristen laughed. Soon enough our plane touched down in Morocco and we rushed toward the Don box.

"The spice is right, Marnie, it's an all in. We need to pick five spices ideally: cumin, cinnamon, paprika, saffron, and ginger to receive our travel tip. Come on, let's go!" Kristen said, dragging me and the surfers toward a taxi stand. We quickly found a taxi and all piled in, then we drove off toward the spice kiosk.

"Kristen, these ones," I said, pointing out the five spices. The vendor gave us our spices and Kristen read out the tip.

"We have to ride through the desert on a camel, to reach a desert restaurant." The four of us got on two camels passing several teams including some of the ones who were on the second and first flights. But the heat was getting to me I was starting to regret wearing my grey sweater. But soon enough we reached the desert restaurant Kristen pressed on the Don box and got us a tip.

"The next challenge is an either-or, first we need to hand our spices to the chef so he can add them to a bowl of Moroccan stew which one of us must eat. Then once we finish the stew we must race toward the chill zone," I read handing our bag of spices to the chef who quickly cooked the stew and then he handed it to me in a bowl. "Marnie you eat, cause you have a higher spice tolerance than me, cool?" she asked me.

"Cool!" I said, starting to slurp the stew.

Kristen's POV:

As Marnie was eating the stew we were joined by the Surfers and the Geniuses.

"So when did you guys first meet your partners?" I asked Geoff and I think her name is Ellody.

"When I first met Brody he was eating a cat's hairball on a dare, it was pure awesome," Geoff chuckled.

"Gnarly," I replied, looking at Marnie I saw all of her focus was on the hairball eater. I smiled and looked at my feet.

"I met Mary at an engineering students potluck dinner, we both brought pie-chart pie. We're quite whimsical," Ellody snort-giggled.

"Ha ha! Pies," Geoff said, offering me a friendly grin and I smiled back. 

"That's hot!" I heard Owen exclaim behind me. "I think you picked the wrong spices!" he told Noah.

"Oh come on, I've seen you eat. You're about as picky as a racoon, just do it!" Noah told Owen. After a bit more slurping and sipping. I decided I needed to pump up Marnie.

"Lat's go Marnie! Keep it slurping! You can do it!" Then suddenly I heard Owen screaming for water, when I turned around I saw he was drinking the drool a camel was oozing. Then I saw Chet gag. 

"Do not spit that out Chet or we'll lose!" Lorenzo told him. "Swallow! Do it! DO IT!" Lorenzo yelled. 

"My barf was actually less spicy than the stew," Chet said. At this Crimson gagged, Spud gagged, Emma gagged and Jay gagged. I cringed at the sight and gagged myself. I looked at Marnie who thankfully had just continued slurping the soup and wasn't listening to Chet and his vomit swallowing. Then the Vegans and LARPers showed up. 

"We have to eat our own barf?" Leonard asked as a camel threw up on Miles. 

"Real organic camel munch!" Laurie exclaimed smiling. A little bit later they'd finally finished.

"Done!" Brody exclaimed.

"Done!" Marnie yelled. We raced after Geoff and Brody and were followed by Ryan and Stephanie. Our alliance then raced away in search of the chill zone, which we quickly found cause it was decked out with a massive tent and had a palm tree oasis surrounding it.

"Girls over here!" Brody called out to us. The two of us got onto the carpet and were greeted by Don.

"Daredevils, 7th place," Don said,

"Alright! Great job Marnie!" I said, hugging her as she tried to push me away.

"Kristen let me go!" she yelled as I let her go. The four of us left the chill zone and left for a hotel we'd be staying at.

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