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In the Santiagos household, there lives three people, Maria, ronnie anne and Bobby Santiagos, their family members from the city called, great lakes city, the casagrandes had visited the Santiagos from the city, they were thinking to move to royal woods because it's peaceful and friendly people.

As well staying closer with the Santiagos and running a good family business in royal woods, and having their children grow up in a fine, peaceful and bright future lives, for all of them and the entire family, in the peaceful nature town of royal woods.

Lincoln was outside of the Santiagos household, waiting for Bobby to signal him, lincoln heard foot steps and thought it was Bobby trying to signal him, but instead however, it somehow he was close with, the person he was good and dear friends with, the person that lincoln remembered as a child, was now a grown woman.

Lincoln and ronnie anne were staring at each other for a short period of time, either lincoln nor ronnie anne had spoken or took their eyes off of each other, they were frozen in place and trying to believe that it was real, after a short period of time has passed, lincoln broke the silence.

Lincoln: hi Ronnie anne, it's been awhile, hasn't it.

Ronnie anne had heard his words well, she was trying to believe that the man in front of her, was indeed the boy that Disappeared so long ago, and trying to believe that it was truly her best and dear childhood friend.

Lincoln saw how confused and shocked ronnie anne was, he did not blame her for being in the state she was in, then suddenly, ronnie anne was Approaching towards lincoln.

He was wondering if she was going to place her hand on his cheek, or even ask him some questions to confirm it was really him, but instead however, ronnie anne had struck lincoln in the middle of his legs, dropping him to the ground with great pain.

Lincoln saw the fire in ronnie anne's eyes, she had her arms crossed to her chest and spoke with venom in her tune.

Ronnie anne: that's to know if you're real!

Lincoln tried to get up and speak, just as he was about to say something, ronnie anne punch lincoln on the face very hard, dropping him to the ground again.

Ronnie anne: and that's for everything that happened, do you know how much your whole family suffered, the depression and hard times they were in, the broken hearts and spirits they had, do you have any idea how much everyone, even me and clyde went though, do you!

Lincoln felt a shame of himself, what ronnie anne said to him was the truth, he understood why Ronnie anne was Furious at him, and did not blame her either, lincoln knows Ronnie anne very well, and the anger in her heart, was understandable.

Lincoln did not know what to say to ronnie anne, he wanted to say how sorry he was, but did not know if Ronnie anne will forgive or even talk with him, he simply spoke from the heart.

Lincoln: I do, and I understand everything that happened, to my family, to my friends, everyone, I know how hard it was, and I know you're reason for being Furious at me, I'm very sorry for everything, and everyone, I'm sorry for everything that happened.

Lincoln was expecting to be struck again by Ronnie anne, being yell at and even never seeing or talking to her ever again, but instead however, ronnie anne went down on her knees and had hug lincoln closely.

Lincoln was both surprised and speechless of had just happened to him, he did not expected to be hug by Ronnie anne in such a manner, she had struck him twice, had great anger in her voice, she had fire in her eyes, and yet despite everything that had happened and said to him, he was hug by his childhood friend.

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