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Lincoln was driving to were Bobby had suggested they spend time together, when they left Mrs.johnson home, they spoke a little bit more, along the way to the bar, lincoln and Bobby had continued the conversation they had before arriving to Mrs.johnson house.

Lincoln: did leni manage to go back to gus games and Grub again?

Bobby: Kinda, she can sit foot inside and sit down on one of the tables, and order something to eat there too, but some things there, like the games, especially the ones that both you and her use to play together with, she still has a hard and emotional time there, especially in those places in particularly, so she usually doesn't get close to that side of gus games and Grub.

Lincoln: I truly feel sorry for her, I hope she can face those fears and move past it all.

Bobby: i think I have a idea for that, if you what to try it.

Lincoln: what you have in mind, Bobby?

Bobby: i was thinking that you and leni should spend time there, at gus games and Grub, and help her go though her fears of that side of the restaurant, like the arcades and pretty much everywhere there, it might work if you're there right by her side too.

Lincoln was thinking of what Bobby had just said to him, and he agreed with his plan, with lincoln present there as well, it could very well help his dear second sister, after a moment of thinking, he responded back to Bobby.

Lincoln: you're right, with me right beside her, it could help leni go though her fears greatly, good thinking Bobby.

Bobby: thanks linc, by away, you what to know more about the others too, like luna dreaming of someday being a rock star.

Lincoln: of course, i like to know about everyone in general, even you Bobby.

Bobby: me, what you like to know about me?

Lincoln: what you plan to do in life, and what career you like to follow too.

Bobby: i, I really don't know, i haven't really thought of one yet, I do plan to go to a good college and study about something business related stuff, but I really don't know what to follow yet?

Lincoln: you have plenty of time Bobby, don't rush in life, take it nice and easy, and the right opportunity will come to you.

Bobby: i know, it's just that I'm worried my grades aren't good enough in high school, and I might not make it to college.

Lincoln: I think you'll will, Bobby.

Bobby: i don't know Lincoln, I sometimes have trouble in School.

Lincoln: is someone messing with you, in school?

Bobby: no, it's not like that, I sometimes have trouble Concentrating in class, I one time failed in class, and I don't know why I can't concentrate in class?

Lincoln: can you explain what happened exactly, in class?

Bobby: ok, I was class, writing my exam test, like everyone else in class, while everyone was doing alright, I was stressed issues and couldn't concentrate right, I was really full of anxiety and every time I try to do the stupid exam test, I just get really nervous and, and I, I just can't!

Lincoln: was it just this one time, or has it happened before?

Bobby: just once, it was last week, I tried to do my exam test, I really did, but I don't understand why can't I Concentrate in class?

Lincoln was in deep thought, but also pay attention on the road as well, after thinking about Bobby's situation, he had thought of something that might help his dear sworn brother.

the loud ghost. TLHWhere stories live. Discover now