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dahblackwriter this is for you.
Enjoy 😊

Episode 9;where did they go to?

Ibro's POV

"Assalamu alaikum!" I said knocking on the door of my house, Hajara's car is parked outside so she is probably sleeping. I knocked for some minutes and there was no reply so I picked up the key from the usual place, "probably she went to the neighbors" my subconscious said to me.

I went in and settled on the couch then switched on the TV and started watching news AIT channel, I was watching the news when the adhan for Maghrib was called, it's maghrib time and Hajara'u is not back yet, she doesn't stay out long  by this time. I brushed is out and went to pray, I prayed and came back but she was still not back. Then my subconscious said " what if she left, she has been up about it these past weeks" I ran to our room and searched her wardrobe but there was nothing in there, I went to the kids room also and there was nothing so I went back to my room and sat on the bed

"What have I done?" I asked no one, I was pacing round the room when the thought of calling aunty ladi came to my mind, so I picked out my phone and called her up

"Hello Assalamu alaikum aunty ladi Ina wuni" I said all in one go

"Walaikumu salam,ibrahim Lafiya kalau ya gida ya yara?( fine ibrahim, how is everyone doing at home?)" She asked forgetting his tensed voice

"Nothing is alright aunty, I came home and found an empty house, no one nor their cloths" I said sadly

"Innalilahi, the worst that we were scared of happened, you caused it ibrahim Sede nagaya maka" I said tense standing up from my seated position

"Aunty ladi we should leave that talk now,where is my wife and daughters I can't live without them, where would they have gone to this night?" I said so sadly and tensed at the same time

"Ibrahim I don't know, they did not come here and she did not tell me she is leaving, try calling her and I know she will mot go to any of your relative house, cox you all don't like her daughter Kuma I know she did not go to any of her relative house that it is here" aunty ladi said scaring me more

"Aunty where will I find her, let me try calling her. I will call you back if I get her" I said to her

"Toh. Allah ya sa adache" she said and ended the call

I called my wife phones number but she did not pick neither did neehal pick her

"WHERE THE HELL THE YOU GO TO HAJARA THIS NIGHT WITH MY DAUGHTERS" I yelled to no one in the room, I was looking all round the room when I saw a white letter on my dressing mirror with my perfume over it, I went there instantly and picked it

"Assalamu alaikum ibro!
Ibro don't even go looking for me in kaduna, I have left kaduna that's the only hint I can give you. Don't come looking for me if you don't change your mind, you should not worry I will take good care of my kids and insha Allah they will get good education. When you have decided against the boarding stuffs I can come back, you can come and get us, when you have accepted my daughter. I love you so much ibrahim and I never thought anything could separate except death but you proved me wrong, well I have tried my best in this past 12yrs and you won't deny it also. Well ibro I won't write alot, and don't even try calling me cox I won't pick, when you realize that I have tried you can come for me. I love you and goodbye.

No hajara please don't do this, please hajara save me from this torture, ya rabb I can't live without my family" I said falling down to the floor, where will I find my family now, no one knows her whereabouts

I could not sleep throughout the night, this is the first time a thing like this is happening in the past 15years of our marriage why did hajara'u do this to me, wait was I too harsh her on her?, was hating my daughter the cause of all this? But it is the truth, I can't love a mad person like how will I love someone that does not know what love is! I have to bring back my family if it means me lying to my family but they have to be back but the truth is I can't love a emotionless person, someone who has no feelings. I got dressed very early and took off to Adamawa, if I decide to go by plane I won't get there today and still with the car but let's see I know latest tomorrow insha Allah I will get to Adamawa. I kept on trying her phone but it was not going through so I just quit calling her and left for her hometown
9hrs later
I just got to Adamawa and it's late so I will just get a hotel and retire for the night , I can go to jada the next day. I am really tired so I just ate and took a hot relaxing shower before retiring for the night with the thought of hajara on my mind

Here I am on my way to jada, I can't wait to see my wife " just pray she is there" a voice said in my head making think whether it is true but if she is not there I don't even know what I will do, I shrugged the thought and continued asking for forgiveness from my rabb,

"Assalamu alaikum" I said entering the parlor, the guest parlor was always opened, I remember when I and hajara'u use to do our hira here and nobody will ever disturb us, we will host for over 3hours before baba will come out and tell me " yalla go home and let my daughter rest it is late" I will smile and we will do it byes and I will leave, Habba hajara'u it is not fair. I arrived over an hour ago but was contemplating on entering, with what eye will I look at my in-laws, how will I explain all that have happened walahi hajara is a very strong woman, she never told them anything that was happening in my house but I did the unthinkable and pushed her to the wall and now she has left me

"Walaikumu salam ibrahim shigo" dadda(Hajara's mom)who was reading a newspaper in the parlor said

"Dadda Ina wuni, ina gajiya" I said in a squatted position

Lafiya klau Alhamdulilah ibrahim, where are them hajara?" She said looking out to see wether they are coming in

"Dadda they are not here?" I asked so shocked that my eyes almost fell out of their socket

Eh mana, where are they, I don't see them anywhere around

"Dadda she left, she said she has left kaduna where will she be if not here" I said looking everywhere but not her house

"Habba dai, ibrahim find my daughter and grandkids Walahi, she is the only one I have" she said sounding broken and sad

"Dadda I will find her insha Allah, I will try my possible best intact I am doing that already"I told her but she was so broken that she could not even reply me

"What of baba?, is he in or he traveled?" I asked of my father in-law

"Yes he traveled last week and is not coming back se in 10days but you have to do anything possible to bring my daughter before her dad comes back, you know how he is when his loved one is danger" she said standing up and taking off her glasses

"Yes insha Allah dadda, I will try my best" I said looking down, hajara has put all of us in danger now

"Come inside and eat something"she said and walked inside I just stood up and walked behind her, thinking of hajara and the girls


Happy Independence Day to all Nigerians Kuma Allah ya zaunar da kasar mu Lafiya🇳🇬💚🤍💚

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With love A&M

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