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Episode 29; London one more time

I was happy when mommy told me, I will be going back to London one more time, she said baba advised I started university over there because there was improvement the last time I was there. But to me I feel he thinks he will be more free when I am not around, I don't care Sha. London is the best place ever

I and mommy packed my bag , we even went for shopping and got somethings. We will go together, after everything has settled, mommy will come back.

We will be traveling in 4days time so I have enough time to say goodbyes to my friends and family, we will be traveling to abuja in 2days time. I really miss my sister, I was happy I will be going back to London but I won't get chance to be visiting my sister, I was in her house before mama requested I came back to kd. I will miss her company so much but at least I have my adda marwa over there

We are currently in the car about to visit Malik's mom before we leave, mommy said she might have a message for Malik. I was Sha dressed in a material sewn into a simple boubou

"Welcome, welcome" she chanted after opening the door as she hugged i and mama

"Good evening mama" I greeted after we settled in the parlor

"Evening dear, how are you? How is everything going?" She asked rubbing my head as I was seating close to her

"Everything is fine Alhamdulilah mama" I replied smiling

"Toh Masha Allah, may Allah easy our affairs, maman hidaya good evening" she greeted turning to the direction of mama while I muttered a silent Ameen

"Good evening maman Maamah, how are the kids and work?" Hajara asked

"All fine Alhamdulilah, i have been saying I will visit you but I never got the chance" aunty Amina (maman maamah) Malik's mom said

"Walahi no problem, things are not easy ai, by the time you will come back from office and rest ma it's late already. We came to do sallama for you ma, we will be traveling to London insha Alalh. So I said lemme come and ask wether you have a message for my son" mama replied

"Exactly. May Allah make it easy for us, I hope all is fine ba" She asked nervously

"Ameen. Everything is okay, hidaya will be going back for university and do her therapy again for 3months" mama replied

"Ohh ayyah, Allah ya Bamu sa'a. I have just a small message for him nd Mahmoud. When are you leaving?" She asked calmed now

"We are leaving for abuja in 2 days" mama replied

"Wow, it's this soon. I will send the driver to bring it over, i have some things to get. He will bring it later or tomorrow morning" she said

"Okay toh no problem" mama replied, we gisted for a while and even prayed magrib before we headed to aunty ladi's house in a Keke napep( tricycle) because baba will meet us there and take us home. We went in and met uncle Kabiru( aunty ladi's husband) with some visitors so we just went inside and we met aunty ladi with visitors also. We left for the kids room and were gisting when aunty ladi came after they left, we greeted and they left for the palor she and mommy

Adda mufida( aunty ladi's oldest daughter) was around, she heard she gave birth when I was away to twins, all boys. I never knew she was this friendly until I spent time with her, I got to find out her twins were named aman and alamin. We gisted a lot and after isha we left, she said she will visit also before we leave. Her house is in Kano


We just arrived at idu train station and neehal together with ya rashid were waiting for us already. After picking us up we went straight to guzape were her house was located. On entering the front door we were welcomed by a strong scent of turaren wuta. Everything was positioned perfectly and the house was just beautiful, she took us to her room to freshen up and pray,After that we came down and had lunch. She prepared her signature jollof rice with peppered fish and salad, she then served a chilled zobo to go along with the food

Mommy said she wanted to take a quick nap, and we were gisting in Adda's room so she went to the empty room leaving us all alone while ya rashid was in his room

"Adda neehal I know you missed me ba, and now am leaving you will miss me more" she said with a fake pout

"I didn't to be honest, you are a pest you know" she replied bursting her bubbles

"Ohhh Haka zaki Che, Sha dash me cloth I am starting uni so I need something lit" she said after opening her sisters wardrobe

"Gerrout jare, I am giving you nothing better close my wardrobe" adda neehal replied quickly raising her head from her phone

"Adda why are you stingy ni, dash me cloth abeg. I don't see all those fine ones again" she going through the cloth

"When I have people like you how will I keep my clothes here"she said with one of her brow up

"Adda where is it? Don't tell me you have dashed them all out within the short time I left" a shocked hidaya replied

"Why I go dash my cloth, Dey play" she says and turned her attention to her phone

"Then where are they" gida ya asked again

"They are all in ya rashid's closet. I just left the manageable ones here" she replied

"Ohh okay, let's go there and let me choose at least 5 ba" hidaya said heading to the door

"Your head dey touch sometime" neehal said turning to her phone

"Insult me all you want but give me cloth please" hidaya said seating close to her on the bed

I continued to beg her and she later ignored so I left her alone, I know she will give me later definitely


We have been in the plane for 3hours now we have just less than 3hours to land. We slept watched and all before we finally arrived, we waited for a while before Malik came, he apologized for coming late and we left for aunty abu's home,adda marwa and her husband are also over there

"Malikuku" I shouted when I sited when waiting by the departure side

He just smiled and greeted mama, we all exchanged pleasantries and before you know it we have arrived. We got in and series of greetings start

"Yayyy, Hida baby!!" Adda marwa hugged me after opening the door with little sultan sleeping on her shoulder, he got startled after he head his mom's shout

"Adda marwa, Noi awoni, Noi sare( how are you?, how is home?)" I lowered my voice hugging her as I collected my baby

"Hidaya give us way let's come in please" mommy said not pushing her off because of baby sultan in her  hand

"Oyoyoyo, marwa Noi awoni" hajara said hugging her

"Jam Alhamdulilah, mommy Noi lawol( how was the journey?)" she replied and they continued to greet until it came to an end


Mommy left two days back and I will officially start my lectures today at imperial college London
I am currently dressed in a flay ankled angled, my vintage veil on my head and just a flat slippers. I have a feeling everything will be okay, I am studying international relations and that's how life continued to get better and better every single day, hidaya has just been grateful to her lord for
Making her believe in her possibilities.
Express unending love and support to her
School her in social skills.
Not make her feel 'broken'
Respect her for who she is.
Talk about everything
Help her find an autistic community.


Towards this end there will be a lot of time travel so just bear with me. We have just 1 more chapter to go but I won't update anymore until we get to 500 reads. Let's get to work

Don't forget please


With love A&M

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