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Episode 15; she has to leave for boarding

2year later

"Hajjorh I want us to talk later please, after dinner" ibro said when hajjorh escorted him to the door

"It's okay ba komai. Allah ya dawo da Kai Lafiya (may god bring you back safely) my love" she stated passing him his office bag

"Ameen Ameen. Bye and take care" he replied after collecting the bag and left.

"So hajjorh about the discussion we had earlier in the morning and I want you to listen to me carefully and also understand me before you reply please" he said, now they are in the room after he has relaxed

"Okay dear, but what is it? You kind of sound very serious" hajjorh replied, she kind of understands where it's going

"My dear there is nothing serious about what I want to tell you. It's just that" he said and kept quiet, I guess contemplating on either to talk or just drop the matter

"It's just that what, tell me ibro please you are scaring me" a scared hajjorh said, hajjorh is known for getting scared easily

"I want to take hidaya and neehal to a boarding school since neehal is graduating soon and she needs to concentrate even more" he said looking away from his wife's gaze

"What!, ibro please let's not bring that topic up, we have spoken about this matter times without number and I thought you have understood my point" hajjorh stood on her feet and said

"Hajjorh we need our privacy, they are matured now and they also need to know how the life is, this comfort zone is all a lie" he said trying to convince her as he placed his hands on her shoulder

"I know that but we all know the situation we are in, so it's a no from me" she said slowly removing his hands and walking out of the room

"Hajara come back here now. How can I be speaking to you and you will walk out" he said getting pissed

"Ibrahim I told you to forget about that matter please, what is it that you don't understand" she said in a high pitched voice stopping on her track

"Lalai hajara, I am speaking to you and you are rising your voice. Then mark my words, wether you like It or not they must go to boarding school " his threat coming out with finality and assurance

"And if it is like that, let's watch and see. Ga filli ga maidoki" I also spat mine and walked to the kitchen ignoring his existence

After this event, I prepared breakfast the next morning and he didn't eat it, it didn't bother me also. I got my kids ready and dropped them off at school and making a mental note on visiting a friend whose house is not far from the school after I get them later in the afternoon, I got home and prepared lunch, tidied up the house because I felt like changing some items positions. When I was sure to have done everything right, I walked to my room, took a nice and relaxing shower then I decided to take a nap because yesterdays sleeep was not peaceful enough after the drama

I woke up to the adhan of Zuhr prayer, I got dressed and left to get the kids from school on arriving at the school, neehal told me that hidaya's teacher wanted a minute with me and I went to her class to hear her out and she started telling me

"Good day ma, are you hidaya ibrahim's class teacher?" I asked after going into the class

"Ohh yes I am please have a seat ma'am. Mrs ibrahim good day ma'am, how is the family?" She asked after she offered me a seat

"We are all fine Alhamdulilah and how is work?, my daughter told me you wanted to have a word with me, and please can we make it fast I have to get somewhere" I replied hastily

"All fine ma'am, if you are in a hurry please ma'am give me your number and we will speak later in the evening if you don't mind" she replied to which I had no interest of giving my number out to her

"No ma it's okay, I can hear you" I replied

"Well ma'am I think your child, don't misunderstand me please ma'am" she said, I already know where it's going but I decided to give her listening ear

"No it's okay I can hear you" i replied

"So ma'am I guess your daughter is not supposed to be here, there are a lot of schools out there for her kind" the teacher shamelessly said

"Okay, but why do you say so?" I asked trying to control myself

"Nothing ma, it's just an advise because when she comes here, she doesn't learn anything and it's like waste of money" the teacher said

"Well my daughter is a slow learner, and she knows what she has learnt that she is here today, thanks for the advise but next time keep your thoughts to your self, thank you" I said and walked out not even waiting for her reply  nor sparing her a glance and on getting to the car I called a mom's cousin of mine who lives in London, but is currently in Nigeria. My mom suggested hidaya goes over there, with her way ibro is behaving

"Assalamu alaikum aunty abu jambanduna, Noi sare( good afternoon aunty abu, ya gida?)" Hajjorh greeted after she picked the call

"Jam Alhamdulilah hajjorh, Noi kugal( fine Alhamdulilah hajjorh, how si work?)" she replied

"Jam Alhamdulilah, how are the kids?" Aunty abu asked

"They are all fine Alhamdulilah, Uhmm aunty abu I heard you will be going back to London in two week's time koh" hajjorh went straight to the point

"Toh Masha Allah, yes it's true. Is anything wrong?" She replied

"No it's just that If you don't mind I want hidaya to follow you, let's try the hospital over there and see" hajjorh requested

"Yeah, it's a good suggestion kam, toh no problem. Finish all the formalities and we will leave together insha Allah" she replied

"Okay toh insha Allah, miyetti sosai aunty abu" I said

"Wala damuwa, my regards to the kids and their dad. Salamu alaikum" and with that the call came to an end

After the call, i suddenly felt a little bit more relieved even though I don't know why, I went to my friends house and we talked for a while before I got home, after lunch I prepared dinner just for me and my kids. There is no need of keeping ng for someone who will not eat it. It was a tiring dinner and we slept almost immediately after isha prayers


Assalamu Alaikum 💕
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Yeah short chapter it is!!
Please take a time to include Turkey, Syria in your prayers please. May Allah forgive our dear ones, may our lord not take our lives until he is pleased with us. Allahuma balignar Ramadan feel iman🤲🏻🥺

Random; Who is as happy as I am about the coming Ramadan???

Let's interact in comment section!!!


With love, A&M

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