Volume 1 Chapter 5-The First Step, Part 2

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In the Emerald Forest

A giant black bird was flying minding its business, until a red figure flys down and hits it.

"Birdie noooo!" Ruby shouted.

Ruby pulls out her weapon and shoots three bullets to slow her down and she turned her weapon into a scythe to hold a tree branch and swing into the air. While Weiss simply uses her semblance while she jumps in the air. Ren passes by Nora while falling holding his two green pistols with a sharp blade and then slides down around a tree and lands brushing his fall. A loud explosion came from the air, it was Yang, she was using her gauntlets as a boost until she fly from tree to tree.

"Nailed it!" Yang said landing on the ground safely.

Amelia jumped from tree to tree with Eevee following her. They both land on a branch and jumps down on the ground. Eevee shake her body because there were so many leaves on her.

"Ee-voi!" Eevee said.

"Come on Eevee, Let's go see if we can find somebody." Amelia said.

"Ee-vee." Eevee said as they walked in a random direction.

Phyrra is holding her spear and shield. She uses her shield to avoid getting hit by a tree. She landed on top of a tree branch and puts her shield the activated her spear into a rifle. She looked around to check the area is clear until she saw Jaune screaming and falling not knowing what to do. Phyrra turns her rifle into a spear again, She uses her thumb to aim at Jaune. She throw her spear so hard that it was very far and hit Jaune's hoodie gain.

"Thank you!" Jaune shouted from a far distance.

"I'm sorry!" Phyrra shouted back.

'Gotta find Yang.' Ruby thought after she landed on the ground and starts running. 'Gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang, Gotta fiiiind...' "Yaaaang! Yaaaang!" 'Ugh this is bad, this is really bad! What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first?  There's always Jaune..'

As she thought that a image of her cartoon herself and Jaune.

'He's nice, he's funny! I don't think he's very good in a fight, though.' Ruby thought of a cartoon image of Jaune getting attacked by wolves. 'Oh! What about Blake? So mysterious, so calm'

A cartoon image of Blake appears.

'Plus she like books! Well, then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her.' Ruby thought as a cartoon image of Blake backed away from her then a cartoon image of Amelia and Eevee appear. 'There's Amelia, she's nice and friendly, she has Eevee, sut I hardly know anything about them, ugh! Okay...who else do I know in the school? There's Yang, Jaune, Blake, Amelia, Eevee, and..."

Ruby stop running to see Weiss standing infront of her. They stared at eachother for a while before Weiss left.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Ruby asked her as she left. "We're supposed to be teammates..."

Ruby kicked the dirt sadly. Suddenly, she heard rustling noises in the bushes. She looked to see what it is. A small black and red creature jumped out of the bushes.

 A small black and red creature jumped out of the bushes

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"Awww, you're so adorable!" Ruby said squealing.

"Zor!" It said as Ruby picked it up.

Weiss kept on walking through the forest.

"Ow! Ugh." Weiss said as she went through some bushes.

Weiss stop walking and heard someone.

"Ugh come on you stupid urg... come on agh." A voice said.

Weiss looks up to see Jaune on a tree with Phyrra's spear on his hood. Jaune looks down to see Weiss and waves at her while laughing nervously making her walk away.

"By no mean does this make us friends." Weiss said grabbing Ruby's hood while she was holding the black and red crature.

"You came back!" Ruby shouted happily.

"Hey, wait! Come back! Who's gonna get me down from here?" Jaune shouted.

"Jaune?" A voice shouted.

Jaune looks down to see Phyrra.

"Do you...have any spots left on your team?" Phyrra asked him.

"Very funny." Jaune said crossing his arms and looking away before looking back at Phyrra smiling while she smiled back.

"What's the hurry?" Ruby ask Weiss as they walk through the forest.

"I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow." Weiss said. "I swear, if I get a bad grade because of your-What the?" Weiss said shock as Ruby appeared in front of her.

"I'm now slow see? You don't have to worry about me!" Ruby said.

"When did...?" Weiss was about to ask her.

"Weiss, just because I don't exactly know how to deal with people doesn't mean I don't know how to deal with monsters." Ruby said as she leans one of her arm on Weiss's shoulder while the other holds the creautre. "You're about to see a whole different side of me today, Weiss! And after it's all over, you're gonna be like 'Wow! That Ruby girl is really really cool...and I want to be her friend.'"


Ruby used her semblance again and disappeared.

"You may be fast, but you still excel at wasting time!" Weiss said.

Suddenly, a bunch of leaves were rustling.

"Ruby?" Weiss asks as the leaves rustle more. "...Ruby?" 

A pair of red eyes appear behind her. A growl noise can be heard, as Weiss looked around she saw multiple pair of red eyes appear behind her. A growl noise can heard again, as Weiss saw what it was she saw a Beowolf Grimm growling at her.

"Ruby!" Weiss shouted.

Ruby and Weiss had become pairs and Ruby met her Pokemon but a giant Beowolf Grimm appear. Meanwhile Jaune and Phyrra paired up. But what will happen to our heroes? As the journey continues.

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