Volume 1 Chapter 7-The Emerald Forest, Part 2

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(This is what Amelia is wearing

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(This is what Amelia is wearing.)

(This is what lorelai look's like and wear, she also wear a brown skirt, imagine the skirt similar to Ruby and Weiss

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(This is what lorelai look's like and wear, she also wear a brown skirt, imagine the skirt similar to Ruby and Weiss. Her hair is tied to a low ponytail.)

On top of Beacon Cliff

Ozpin and Anastasia were looking at their scrolls as Glynda walks up to them.

"Our last pair has been formed, sir." Glynda informed Ozpin. "Nora Valkryie and Lie Ren."

Glynda clicked on an image as the scroll showed footage of Nora and Ren.

"Poor boy, I can't possibly imagine those two getting along." Glynda said.

"Still, he's probably better off than Ms.Nikos." Anastasia said clicking on another image making her scroll show Jaune and Phyrra.

"Hmm..." Ozpin hummed.

"I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat." Glynda said turning her scroll off.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough." Anastasia said. "But it seems that some of the students have found some interesting companions."

"Oh?" Ozpin asks.

Anastasia clicked on an image of Blake and Yang with two Pokemon, then she clicked another showing her daughter and Lorelai with Eevee and Flamey.

"It seems like there has been an interesting turn of events this year, at their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes, speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year?" Glynda ask as she stopped walking to look at Ozpin.

"...Professor Ozpin?" Anastasia asks.

But Ozpin didn't answer them.

"Hmm..." He hummed as he looked at a footage of Ruby and Weiss.

"It's definitely this way." The scroll reveals Ruby and the red and black creature sitting down while Weiss walks around the with the white creature in her arms.

With Ruby and Weiss

"I mean...this way! It's definitely this way." Weiss said as Ruby picks up some leaves. "Alright, it's official, we passed it!"

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