Volume 1 Chapter 11-Jaunedice

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Right now, Jaune is in his armor, sword, and shield, as Cardin was also in his armor and weapon. Jaune pants, tired, as Cardin smugly laugh, spotlights shining on them.

"Come on." Jaune muttered, before charging towards him, swinging his sword.

But Cardin dodges before hitting his shield with his weapon, the force throwing him back, making him drop his shield. He charges towards Cardin again, but he blocks it.

"This is the part where you lose." Cardin said.

"Over my dead-" Jaune said, but was cut off, when Cardin knee him in the stomach, making him fall, groaning.

Cardin raises his weapon, as he was about to hit him. But the lights power off as buzzer ring.

"Cardin, that's enough." Glynda said. as she walks on the stage. "Students, as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has now dropped into the red, in a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match."

Jaune was still lying on the ground, as he held his stomach in pain, making Phyrra look at him worried.

"Mister Arc, it's been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll during combat gauging your aura will hep you to decide when it is appropriate to attack." Glynda advised, as Jaune pull out his scroll to see picture of himself and his teammate's.

His aura bar is red, while his teammates bar are still green.

"Or when it's better to move to a more...defensive strategy, we wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?" She asks.

"Speak for yourself..." Cardin lowly said, before putting his weapon on his shoulder.

"Remember everyone! The Vytal Festival is only a few months away, it won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing!" Glynda reminded, as everyone started getting excited .

"I'm so excited!" Ruby quietly squealed.

"Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale." Glynda reminded, as the bell ring. "Class dismissed, your next class will be with Professor Anastasia, and I expect you all to focus intently on the subject she's teaching."

Meanwhile, Phyrra had her gaze at Jaune, worried, as he looked down.


Right now, everyone is currently in the Anastasia's class, dressed in their uniforms, as they try to find a seat, as Amelia walked in, she saw Bentley, sitting on his own.

"Hey Bentley." She said, gaining his attention. "May I sit next to you?"

"Tch, just do whatever you want." He said, as Amelia hesitantly sat next to him. "What is your mom gonna teach us?"

"You'll have to wait and see." She chuckled, making him confused.

"Settle down students." A female voice said, revealing to be Anastasia, as she walked towards the desk. "Thank you all for coming, it quite an honor for me to teach you all, now I'm sure you're wondering what will this class focus on, well, it will focus on creatures called Pokemom."

At that moment, everyone muttered, confused and curious about these creatures.

"Now, as I'm aware, I know that some of you have already got your own Pokemon, if you will, please release them out of your Pokeballs, after all, this class if for us to learn more about them." She said, as team RWBY, ALPN, JNPR, and BDSN brought out their Pokeballs.

A blue light came out, revealing the Pokemon, as the class gasp in amazement.

"Now, let's begin." Anastasia said, turning off the lights before turning on a projector that shows the planet. "Our planet plays host to this mysterious life-forms, in the forests, in the sky, and under the seas."

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