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In San Francisco, three streaks of light zooms through the streets, an aircraft shoots laser at what it seems to be two hedgehogs, one with emerald green eyes, and a smaller one with ocean blue eyes running from a mad scientist, wearing a red jumpsuit. 

"So, I know what you're thinking. Why is that incredibly handsome hedgehog and his adorable little sister being chased by a madman with a mustache from the Civil War?" Sonic said speaking to the viewers. 

"Well, to be honest, it feels like We've been running our whole lives. Is this too much? Am I going too fast? "

"Yeah, maybe too fast..." Stormi said.

"It's kind of what I do. You know what? Let's back up." He mimics a rewind sound effect.



Sonic and Stormi's island

"This is the Island We're from

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"This is the Island We're from. It had everything. Sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, public access to loop-de-loops. And I never had to catch a school bus because I could run across the entire island in less than two seconds. Also, there was no school. I know, pretty sweet island, right?" Sonic explained.

A younger Sonic can be seen running with his hands spread out as he ran across the island. "Yeah!"

"We were born with extraordinary powers and was told to keep them secret. And like any kid, I did the exact opposite. Well Stormi was a baby, so she really didn't understand." Sonic said.

The Young Sonic runs up some bridges to a small house. He curls into a ball, rolls into the house, jumps up, and playfully bumps Longclaw while she is sleeping, waking her up. And also waking up a certain baby hedgehog who was sleeping in her crib.

 And also waking up a certain baby hedgehog who was sleeping in her crib

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"That's Longclaw. She took care of us. She was basically Obi-Wan Kenobi, If Obi-Wan Kenobi had a beak and ate mice." 

"Sonic, you should be more someone could've seen you.." Longclaw said very worried. "No one saw me. I'm too fast!" The young sonic said as he ran in place. "And, I wanted to bring you guys these." He takes out a flower for Longclaw and another one for Stormi. He walks over to her crib and picks her up causing her to clap her hands creating small sparks of electricity. Longclaw smiled at the two hedgehogs but her eyes widened as she spots three echidnas on a tree pointing arrows at them.She  quickly  shuts the door and grabs the siblings to protect them.

"Get down!" She shouted. The echidnas fire their arrows from their bows and they hit almost every corner of the house, with one arrow breaking the window, barely missing Longclaw, and passing through Sonic's flower, pinning it to the wood floor. Stormi starts to cry, Longclaw shushes her and tries to sooth her. 

"Turns out, with great power comes great power-hungry bad guys. And I led them right to us."

The echidnas was able to break in the house, but Longclaw, Sonic, and Stormi was able to escape through the back window while the echidnas continue to fire their arrows, one of the echidna's arrows hit Longclaw causing and the hedgehogs to fall from the sky. She was able to place Sonic on his feet and hands Stormi to him. "Listen carefully, Sonic. You and Stormi have a power unlike anything I have ever seen. And that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden." Longclaw instructed. She take out a takes a ring from her satchel and tosses it, which opens a portal to a forest on another planet at night. 

"This world is on the far side of the universe. You two should be safe there."

" I don't want to go without you!"

" You must." She hands him the rings. "These Rings will be your most important possession."

She gasped as the echidna tribe moves closer towards them. " If  you two are ever discovered, use one."

She gently pushes Sonic with her wing. "Never stop running. Now, go!" The young hedgehog held his sister tightly as he ran through the portal. He looks back to see the tribe moving closer to Longclaw as she spread her wings to prevent them from entering the portal. Sonic places Stormi and the rings down and rushes towards the portal.


"Goodbye, Sonic. Please protect yourself and your sister."


Before he got to Longclaw the portal was already gone. Sonic catches his breath, horrified that Longclaw was gone. He runs back to Stormi who began to cry. He rubs her back to calm her down. "Shhhhhh, It's ok Stormi..." He said. "I'll protect you.."

Sonic the Hedgehog Movie (2020) x Child! Sister! OcWhere stories live. Discover now