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San Francisco, California, day.

Tom drives Sonic and Stormi to Rachel's house and carries them to the front door wrapped in two blankets."Come on, guys. You're gonna be all right. You'll be all right."He whispers.

Tom knocks on the door and Rachel answers."Is Maddie here?" Tom asked."No, no. Not today. Goodbye!" Rachel tries to slam the door in Tom's face but he stops her."It's an emergency!" Tom said trying to get inside. "Bye-bye!" Rachel said trying to close the door."Rachel, stop! Please! Maddie! Don't do this! This is important!" Tom pleaded. They both argued until Maddie walks in and sees Tom trying to get inside."Oh, my God! Rachel, let him in!" Maddie said pulling her sister to the side and letting Tom in.

"I am calling the police! No, I am calling the FBI. I am calling the CIA." Rachel threatened. "Stop, don't do that." Tom said. "I am calling your mother!" Rachel yelled. "Okay, got it!" Maddie said. "Maddie, can we talk?" Tom asked."Tom, what's going on?! You're-you're all over the news, I've been trying to call you!" Maddie said worriedly. "I had to ditch my phone so they couldn't track me." Tom explained."Ditch his phone?!" Rachel yelled."Track you?!" Maddie yelled. Jojo, Rachel's daughter notices Tom and runs up to him. "Uncle Tommy!" She cheered as she hugged him."Jojo, hey!" Tom greeted her. Rachel pull Jojo away from Tom. "Now your niece is an accessory to treason!" She yelled. "No, she's not." Tom said."Would you calm down?" Maddie yelled."Calm down?! I will not calm down!" Rachel yelled. 

Ozzy walks past Maddie and Rachel as they continue to argue with each other."Enough!" Maddie yelled."Yes, calm down. Stop talking." Tom said. Ozzy looks up at Tom and barks at him"No. Ozzy, please. Good to see you, too." Tom said. He leans forward a little bit, which almost gives Sonic and Stormi away."Oh, Little Lord Baby Jesus! What is that, Tom? Is that plutonium?! Is it e-mails?" Rachel questioned him.

"Yes, it's plutonium." Tom answered. He turns to Maddie. "Can we please go in the other room and talk--" Ozzy barks again and starts to tug on the blankets."Stop it, Ozzy! Quit it!" Tom ordered."This is why I told you he was no good!" Rachel yelled. "I'm not engaging!" Maddie yelled. "No, Ozzy! Quit it!" Tom said.

"Ozzy, no! Ozzy, no!"

Ozzy yanks the blanket off, revealing Sonic and Stormi.Everyone stops talking. "Oh, catch me, Jojo." Rachel faints. "Oh, thank God." Tom sighed.Maddie pulls Jojo close to her."Can I get a glass of water?" Tom asked.


Sonic and Stormi are both lying unconscious on the kitchen table. Jojo looks at them with a worried expression."They're gonna be okay, Jojo." Tom said.Maddie walks in with her first aid kit. "Oh, thank God. They're gonna be okay, right?" Tom asked."I'm a vet, Tom. I don't even know what I'm looking at here." Maddie said." They're hedgehogs, or so they say." Tom said "They talk?" Maddie asked."Almost constantly." Tom answered."Okay." Maddie said. She went to check Sonic's pulse."Holy..." She said.

"What?" Tom asked. She then went to check Stormi's pulse and hers was super fast. "Both of their pulses are super fast." She said."That actually might be normal for them.I don't know. You gotta help them, Maddie." Tom pleaded. "I don't know their physiology. They don't seem to have any broken bones. Just really banged up." Maddie takes off Sonic's shoes. "Oh, look at his poor little feet." Jojo looks at Sonic's worn-out shoes. Maddie walks over to Stormi. She notices her burned clothes and scratches from the explosion. " Aww poor thing... her clothes are destroyed." Jojo let out small gasp as she looks at the smaller hedgehog's condition.

"Hang in there, you two. You're gonna be alright." Tom said.Jojo walks out of the kitchen and past Rachel, who is tied up in the living room."Jojo? Untie your mother. Jojo! Untie Mommy." Rachel said.Jojo ignores as she walks upstairs. "Sweetie. Jojo!"she looks around."I have to go to the bathroom." She said to herself. Jojo goes to her room and went into her closet. 

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