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Baseball diamond, day.

Sonic and Stormi  peeks from behind a tree watching a baseball game. "Whoa, the playoffs!" Sonic exclaimed. "Cool!" Stormi said. The hedgehogs sped over to the bleachers to watch the game up close, the players congratulating each other for their win.Later on, everyone packs up and heads for home, leaving the baseball diamond completely empty. Sonic  and Stormi walks around the baseball diamond admiring the beauty of it. "Whoa. So cool." Stormi said. They noticed some baseball equipment and decides to play batter at home plate. "Bottom of the ninth, tie score. And exactly who you want at the plate with the game on the line--Sonic!" Stormi runs to the pitcher's mound and places a green cap on her head.

"But staring him down from the pitcher's mound is the most fearsome southpaw in Green Hills--Stormi!"

"Okay. Focus, Sonic. If you win this game, you'll be the most beloved kid in Green Hills." He said to himself.

Sonic plays the role of an infielder, does a secret code with his fingers, straightens his cap, slaps his face a few times, does a couple of armpit farts, flaps his hands and cups them against his mouth.

"Hit it to the girl in left! She's a real space case." 

Stormi as the left outfielder blows a bubble of gum as she switches back to the role of the pitcher. "Ugh, I can't with that girl." She said annoyed. Sonic then plays as the Umpire. "Hey, batter Sonic. Hey, batter Sonic. "Suh-wing," batter Sonic." Stormi as the pitcher throw the ball at top speed to the batter Sonic, he hits the ball high. Outfielder Stormi smells the flower and sees the ball. "I got it, I got it, I got it!" She tries to catch the ball but failed. "I don't got it."

As the batter, Sonic runs to first base and rounds second while outfielder Stormi throws the ball and he dodges the ball in slow motion as the batter and he comes up to third base and plays the role of a teammate.  "Go home! Go home!" Sonic rounds third base and he plays the umpire again. "Come on!" Sonic jumps up and makes a dive for home plate, the umpire catches the ball and he makes it "Safe!" Umpire Sonic shouted. Pitcher Stormi takes her cap off her head and throws it to the ground and walks off angerly. Sonic jumps up with joy. "Ah, yes! Yes, yes, yes! I did it! Did you see that? I did it! I did it." Sonic cheered. Stormi sits on the bleachers trying to catch her breath. She sees  her brother lower his hand. She zooms up to him. "Sonic? Are you ok?" She asked.

"We're really are alone. All alone... forever." Sonic said. He takes off the batter helmet and starts running around the perimeter of the baseball diamond at a very fast speed, his anger and sadness increasing and energy building with each lap. Stormi rushes to the sideline not wanting to be caught up on it. "SONIC STOP!" She screamed in fear for her brother activating her powers as well. Finally, Sonic lets out a loud yell as a bright blue electromagnetic pulse explodes in the air, causing the lights in the baseball diamond to explode. The brilliant pulse blooms outwards and spreads across the valley. Several cities blackout, plunging into darkness. Even a satellite is disabled by the EMP.

"I'm sure no one noticed that giant blue explosion, right?" He asked shyly. Stormi runs over to her brother and hugs him tight. "Sonic!" Sonic looks down at the little hedgehog who had tears falling down her face. Sonic gasped and picked her up. " Oh no Stormi, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" Sonic said. "What did you mean by We're really alone?" Stormi asked. Sonic stayed silent. " You don't need to worry about that...Let's just go back to the cave." He suggested.

"Ok...." She said rubbing her eyes. Sonic held Stormi close and sped out of the baseball diamond.


Police Station Interior, night.

The police station's phone is ringing like crazy and Wade is staring at the machine in terror, and he dials Tom. Tom sees Wade on the caller ID even in the dark and answers. "Hey, Wade." He answers. "Hi, Tom. Wade here. What is going on?" 

Tom: "Well, gosh, I think the power's out."

Wade: "Yeah, no dur! The lights are out. The whole town is freaking out. What should I do?"

Tom: "Okay, relax. Take a deep breath, call Gil, see if they can locate the downed line, then call Zim and see if he can get his generator over to the Super Q so the food stays fresh."

He then noticed  something blue glowing in the dark

Wade: (over the phone) "Call Zim before Gil? Call Gil--Hello?!"

Tom:"I'll call you back." Tom hangs up.

"Wait, no, no! Wait! Hello? Was that the end of the instructions?" He see notices Tom hung up and, he places his phone on the desk. "Okay, all right. You can do this. What was the first thing he said to do? Right. Relax."


 Wachowski residence, night.Tom moves an object aside and sees Sonic and Stormi's quills glowing a bright blue in the dark, electricity crackling along it, and picks it up. inspecting it once more.

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