Vivian hargreeves and Ava Callaghan

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Vivian hargreeves was born October 1, 1989. She was adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves along with seven other children they were called the Umbrella Academy. Vivian was part of the Umbrella academy but not happy about it.

One reason was because her dad acted like she was never there the only time he would care about her was when they were training or on missions.

She was the most powerfulest out of all her siblings. Her father never told her that she holds dark magic called Chaos Magic. She is also a doppelganger, she's the doppelganger of Ava Callahan the 500year old vampire. Vivian's the only one who can kill or hurt Eve.

Super powers

Telekinesis- ability to move an object with her mind

Telepathy- ability to read one's mind

Energy Minapulation- ability to generate, control and minapulate various forms of energy

Neuro-electric Interfacing- enable the transfer of information between the nervous system and an external device

Phobikinesis- ability to control fear

(I know what you might be wondering aren't these wanda's powers yeah they are and this is a Five x wanda Fem!reader, my character has powers like wanda's except their Green.)

Eve Callahan

Ava Cahallan was born August 12, 1472 originally named Ava Quinn. When she turned 18 she ran away from her abusive parents, she ran into a woman who was traveling back to her home town the woman asked her if she needed a place to stay Ava accepted and she went with the woman, months later when Ava was coming home she saw that the woman was covered in blood surrounded by dead bodies she was going to ask her if she was okay when suddenly the woman looked at her and the next thing she new was everything was slowly starting to fade.

When Ava woke up the next day on the ground she thought she was relieved to be alive, but what she didn't realize was that she got turned into a vampire. She wanted to go back home to her parents so she ran, ran and ran away because she did not want to see that woman ever again. When she made it home she ran inside to see her parents she could never be more happier, that was until later that night when she killed them. She didn't know how to feel a part of her felt happy and relieved but she also felt guilty and sad. So before anybody could find her covered in her parents blood she ran away again.

On March 24, 2019 she falls threw a blue portal to pay a visit to her doppelganger when she arrives and has a little chat with her. what she doesn't know that she will be trying to save the world from an apocalypse along with a chaotic family.

(Also in this story Five and Vivian will both be 17).

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