Chapter 7

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Word Count: 1730 words

Five and Vivian stood outside the library building before Five grabbed her hand and blinked them to the top floor of the library. Five dragged her to a corner setting the bag he caried and set it on the floor.

"I'll be back, i'm going to get some books." Five says .

before Vivian could say something Five had already blinked away from her. Vivian walked towards a bookshelf that she found would be interesting for her, she walked towards the ancient humans in history (Idk know what i just wrote but it did not make sense to me) she walked through the two bookshelfs looking carefully at each one of them until she came across a book that read the Quinn family ancestry tree and history she walked closer towards the book as she grabbed it and walked back towards were Five was sitting at, she sat down next to him as he looked over at her as he showed her the Vodka bottle towards her.

"Want some?" He asked sounding a little drunk.

"No thanks, i'm fine." Vivian looked at him smiling as she politely declined.

He shook his head as he took another sip of the alcohol, "Okay your loss Sweetheart."

Vivian shook her head rolling her eyes at him while she thought 'How can he drink at time like this' she went back to the book she was reading. Five was working on trying to solve some equations he stopped to look at what his girlfriend was reading he couldn't really see that clear as his vision was a little blury cause of the alcohol.

One hour later Five had fallen asleep as Vivian still had her nose stuck in the book she was reading she would have finished earlier but Five was being such a big baby about how she wasn't paying enough attention to him, she turned to look at the boy next to her smiling lightly as she wondered 'How did i ever get so lucky with a cute and annyoing boyfriend'.

She heard footsteps walking towards them she listened carefully before realizing from the way the two footsteps sounded that it was just Luther and Diego (Pearks of being a vampire) she turned to look up at them once she saw them standing next to her.

Luther looked in between both Vivian and Five before asking, "Is he..." Diego looked at Vivian as she nodded her head, "Drunk as a skunk. Yeah." Diego shook his head and told Luther to carry him. Vivian grabbed the bottle Five had dropped on the floor and threw it in the thrash before following Luther and Diego out of the library.

It was already dark outside and looked like it had rained. They all entered an alleway which was almost completly dark exept for the only light that was glowing behind the curtained windows in the apartmens next to them. "Well we can't go back to the house." Vivian turned to look at Luther with her eyebrows furrowed together as Luther spoke again, "It's not secure, those psycopaths could come back at any moment."

"Wait what are you talking about?" Vivian stopped as she looked at both of them confused by what Luther meant when he said 'phycopaths' she hoped he wasn't talking about Hazel and Cha-Cha.

"My place is closer. No one will look for them there." Diego inturupted the conversation as he continued to walk down the alleyway as the two people behind continued to follow him. Five started waking up, letting out a loud burp, they all turned their attention to him.

Luther looked down at him, he narrowed his eyes at the boy in his arms, "If you womit on me..."

"You know what's funny?" Five asked, tilting his head back to look at Luther, "I'm going through puberty. Huh, twice. And I..." he chucked as he looked up at the night sky, "I drank that whole bottle didn't I?" Vivian rolled her eyes at him, "That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof, It's gone, Isn't that right Sweetheart." Five looked at Vivian who was now walking next to Luther, he raised his hand and pointed his finger at her as he pooped her nose lightly laughing as Vivian realized that when he's drunk he's a completely different person.

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