Chapter 8

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Word Count: 1352 words

Five had woken up as the sun was rising for morning, Five and Vivian were sitting on the bed as Luther and Eve were sitting down facing them. Five had told them how he ended up in the future, and about the apocalypse.

"When's it suppose to happen? " Luther asked as Five had finished explaining, he had left out the part about the commision, "This... apocalyse." Luther continued.

Five sighed, putting his hands together, "I can't give you the exact hour, but... from what I could gather, we have four days left." Vivian looked at Eve who was looking at her.

"Why didn't you say something sonner?" Luther snapped.

"It wouldn't have mattered." Five answered.

"Of course it would have." Luther answered back, his eyebrows furrowed together, "We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing." Vivian looked towards Luther as she waited for Five to answer Luther.

"For the record, you already tried." Five looked at Luther whoose eyebrows were furrowed together in confussion.

"What do you mean?" Luther asked.

Five looked at Vivian who had grabbed his hand, Five had turned to look at the ground, the memories of his family laying on the ground dead before he answered, "I found all of you. Your bodies."

Luther gulped, "We die?" He asked.

Five looked back at Luther, "Horribly. You were all together, trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world." Vivian looked at him, squeezing his hand trying to confort him.

"Wait how do you know that?" Luther asked.

Five pulled out the glass eyeball from his pocket of his blazer and gave it to Luther, who took it and examined it, "This was clutched in your dead hand when i found you, must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down."

Luther inspected the eye, "whose head?" He asked.

"Like Five said, he doesn't know." Vivian explained, as she felt Five's fingers interwined with her's.

Luther noticed a serial number on the back of the eyeball, "Well there's a serial number in the back. Think maybe you could try-"

"No that's a dead-end." Vivian cut him off, as she shook her head at him.

Five grabbed the eyeball from Luther as he chuckled as he stared at the eyeball, "It's just another hunk of glass."

Their conversation was interrupted as the door flung open. They all turned to look at the door as they saw Diego, who was storming over towards them. He was staring at both Five and Vivian.

"Piece of shits." he muttered as he marched over to them, "Do you guys have any idea what you guys just did?" He was about to charge towards them when Luther stopped him, wrapping his arms around him.

Diego tried to get out of Luther's grip as he wiggled and squirmed. He shouted angrily. "Let go of me, you ape!"

"Not until you calm down." Luther told him.

Diego stopped squirming and let out a sigh, "Fine."

With a small nod, Luther let him go as he raised his eyebrows at him, "Now want to tell us what you're talking about?"

"Our siblings have been pretty busy since Five got back." Diego started as he turned to face Five and Vivian, "They were in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's, and then he was there at Gimble Brothers, after the guys in masks attacked the Academy, looking for the both of them."

"None of which is your concern." Five said as he just looked at Diego.

"It is now." Diego continued as he let out a sigh, "They just killed my friend." Luther turned to them as they still sat on the bed his eyebrows furrowed as he questioned, "Who are they Five?"

Five stayed silent for a moment before he started talking, "They work for my former employer. A woman called the Handler. She sent them to stop me. Then as soon as Diego's friend got in the ways, well fair game."

"Well now they're my fair game." Diego stated as he turned and began walking back towards the door, "And I'm gonna see to ut they pay." Diego began to storm out grabbing some knives on the way.

"That would be a mistake, Diego." Vivian called out, warning Diego, "They've killed people far more dangerous than you."

Diego reached the door, he called back to her, "Yeah we'll see about that."

"Former employer?" Luther asked them both. "What's this all about? And don't give me any of this 'It's none of your business' crap all right? I want to hear your explanations. both of them."

Vivian looked at Five silently agreeing that Five would be the one to go first, "Well It's a long story."

Luther sat down as Vivian looked at Eve who was sooned out, "We've got time."

Five sighed before beggining to explain to Luther about the Temps Committee. "THey turned me into the perfect instrument for the rehabilitation of the time continumm. Or 'corrections,' as they called them. I wasn't the only one. There are others like me. Beings out of time, fractured, extracted from the lives that they knew. I don't know how they got there. But I do know that none of them were as good as me."

"They didn't realize it, but I was biding my time. Trying to figure out the right equation so I could get back. If I could just get back, I knew I could stop the apocalypse. Save the world."

Luther looked at Five with wide eyes. Ava listened at Five's story of how he meet the Handler and worked at the commission, "So you worked for her to huh." Ava asked as Five stared at her as he nodded slightly.

Luther turned towards Vivian as he gestured for her to start telling them about her story. Vivian sighed as she began, "The night I left the Academy I ran into a Lady she said her name was the Handler, she told me that she would give me food and shelter in trade for me working for her for 8 years. Those 8 years ended up being 13 years of Killing and Murdering people who messed with the timeline. I was assingned a partner her name was Amara she ended up dying to save my life. But what the Handler didn't know was that I was planning an escape to come back here. I didn't want to work for her anymore because the killing and hurting people reminded me to much of Dad, so on one of my missions I didn't kill the guy I was assigned to instead I made a run with the briefcase and teleportated back here." (I know pretty shity backstroy).

Luther looked in between them, "So... you guys were hitman?"

Five just nodded at his, "Yes."

"Uh... I mean you guys had a code right?" Luther questioned them both, "You didn't just kill anybody."

Five glance over at Vivian who was looking at Ava, "No code. We took out anyone who messed with the timeline."

"What about innocent people?" Luther asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. Eve just rolled her eyes at Luther.

"It was the only way I could get back here." Five explained.

"But that's murder." Luther stated.

"Jesus, Luther grow up. Were not kids anymore." Vivian argued back, she scoffed before continuing, "There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys. There's just people, going about their lives."

"But when the world ends, all those people die, including out family." Five stated as he looked at the girl sitting next to him. "Time changes everything and anything."

(Question of the day)

What is one thing your really good at?

Me I'm really good at drawing. I love drawing It just helps me calm down.

(I just wanted to say something Vivian didn't want to tell Luther that she is a vampire because she didn't want to pressure Eve into telling him to so that's why she didn't tell him about that if you were wondering).

(Have a good rest of your day)

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