Chapter 18

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Word Count: 1915 words


The siblings arrived at the Icuras Theater. They all stopped at the last staircase before the theaters main entrance.

Before any of the siblings could walk in, Allison stopped Luther, "Wha...?" Luther began before he saw Allison writing in her notepad.

'I need to go alone.' She wrote. Diego had walked past them but walked back when he noticed none of his siblings behind him or following him.

"Allison, I can't let you do that, all right." Luther argued, "She's beyond reason."

"You hear the music?" Diego argued back as Allison hit Luther's chest, "It's Started."

Luther looked at Allison as he walked closer to her, "Do you honestly think she's gonna listen? After everything's that's happened?"

Klaus looked around before turning to his siblings, "We don't have time for this."

Luther thought for a second before nodding, "Okay."

Allison looked between them before running into the concert. They all watched her leave before Vivian spoke up, "You guys are using her as a distraction, aren't you?"

Luther closed his eyes before he spoke up, "Our best chance to incapaciatate Vanya. She'll thank us later."

The four of them began to walk to the door, "So. What's the plan."

"Uh, you two wait out front." Luther said turning to both Vivian and Klaus as they looked at him in shock, "You two can be the lookouts."

"The lookouts?" Both of them questioned as Klaus threw his hands in the hair and Vivian shock her head in disagreement as Luther disappeared through the door.

Vivian sighed before she leaned against a wall as Klaus took a seat on one of the steps.

Vivian and Klaus plus Ben had found a food van outside of the Theater. Klaus had asked Vivian if she was hungry as she said yes not wanting to pass up the opportunity for some tacos.

"Didn't ask for cilantro." Klaus complained but before Vivian could hear what else he had to say she heard something else that caught her attention.

"Do you hear gunfire?" Ben and Vivian asked at the same time but since Vivian couldn't see or hear him she didn't notice or hear it.

"What?" Klaus asked with a mouth full of food as Vivian along with Ben even though she couldn't see him both walked past him. Klaus quickly joined their side, but when he looked down to road he saw a broken and battered Cha-Cha walking down the road limping "Oh, shit." Both him and Vivian said at the same time as he grabbed Vivian and pulled them behind the food truck. "Okay time to go. Go time."

"What about the gunfire?" Both her and Ben said at the same time as they all ran into the building.

"Come one, we're the dam lookouts." Klaus yelled back.

Both Vivian and Klaus appeared in the middle of the auditorium with Klaus yelling, "Guys. It's Cha-Cha!"

"Vivian, get down!" Five yelled as she dropped to the ground as bullets flew over the both of them.

When the bullets died down a little, Vivian stood back up as she raised both her hands glowing green as her eyes glowed green too and grabbed about bunch of the people throwing her hands to each of her sides throwing people to the side as they all died in an instant. Vivian had surrounded herself with shields as more people began shooting but soon stopped when the bullets were shoot back at them. Vivian soon ducked back down as more people started shooting and she had to give herself a break.

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