Chapter 5

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Word Count: 1629 words
The next morning, Vivian was in her room with Eve who was reading, (More like just flipping the pages of the book). She was laying on Vivian's bed when she spoke up, "This Percy Jackson book doesn't even make sense?" Eve complained as she closed the book and threw it on the bed.

"That's because you have to read the first book before you can read that one." The girl turned to look at her.

Vivian started to walk out of the room while Ava followed behind her, "Oh... are we going little witch?" She turned to look at her.

"I'm going with Five... I don't know where you're going?" Ava rolled her eyes at her as she still followed the teenage girl to Five's room knocking on his door.

"Well you didn't have to say it like that?" Vivian opened the door to see Five putting on his blazer.

"Why is she here. She coming with us or what?" Five asked pointing to the vampire behind Vivian.

"No she's not coming with us." Five nodded as he headed towards his window as she followed him they climb down the fire escape. They could hear Klaus's whining. They turned to look over to Klaus inside the dumpster.

"I'm trying to find whatever priceless crap was on that priceless box so pogo get's off my ass!" Klaus shouted.

"I'd ask what your up to, Klaus but then it occured to me... I don't care." Five jumped of the ladder as he waited for Vivian to jump down.

"Hey!" Klaus chuckled as he looked up from his spot walking to the other side where the two standing, "You know there are easier ways out of the house, children?"

"This one involded the least amount of talking... or so i thought" Five told him as Vivian reached the ground.

Klaus then called out as flask of alcohol in his hand, "Hey, hey, hey, so..." Klaus began slurring his words a little, "You two need any more company today? I could clear up my schedule."

Five scanned Klaus's surrondings before saying.Looks like you've got your hands full. "Five grabbed Vivian's hand while starting to walk away.

"Oh, this? No, no. I can do this whenever." Klaus called out to the two teenagers, they stopped and turned around to face him, "I'm just..." before he could finish his sentence he fell deeper into the dumpster while Vivian just scrunched up her nose in disgust, "I just misplaced something, that's all." He yelled once he found what he was looking for, "Found it, oh thank God." He rose from the dumpster with a half eaten bagel as he took a bite out of it, "Delicious."

"I'm done founding your drug habits." Vivian said before turning around and walking away as Five followed right behind her out of the alley.

"Come on! You know... Maybe I just want to hang out my brother and sister!" Klaus called out, "Mi hermano! Mi hermana! I love you guys! Even if you can't love yourself's!"

A few hours later they were sitting in a van by the Meritech Prosthetics, Five was starring out the window as he clutched the prosthetic eye in hand. Vivian was sitting in the passenger seat as she was just reading a book she found in the passenger side door until she heard Five speak for the first time in hours, "Why don't you kill people to drink their blood like Eve does?"

Vivian turned to face Five, "I guess i never liked hearing them scream in pain." she went into the bag that she told him to bring she took out a hydroflask filled with blood that pogo had gave her. She took a sip of it.

"Why are we here again?" Vivian asked.

He stared at her before sayin, "Because i know that Biggs is here and he might be up to something. Why would you rather be doing something else?"  Five smirked at her as she playfully slapped him on the arm, she turned to look out the window again. She was lost in her thoughts when she was inturrupted by a knock on window. With a small shriek of suprise, she looked over to see Luther standing next to her door.

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