Chapter 3

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Word Count: 3772 words

Seventeen Years Ago

Vivian was laying down on Five's bed as Five was talking about how he wanted to time travel, Vivian sat up from her spot on his bed as she looked at him, "Five are you sure Dad is even going to let you do this?" Five stopped talking as she turned to face her, "Yeah he might not but it's worth a try."

The chimes of a handbell rang through the house signaling that it was time for dinner. Five and Vivian walked out of his room as they headed downstairs, soon the children all gathered at the dinner table. They all stood by their designated place to sit.

Vivian was next to Ben and next to Vanya and infront of Five. They all remained standing waiting for their Father's permission to sit.

"Sit." He instructed. Everyone sat down and started to eat their meal.

Allison and Luther were giving googly eyes to each other as they ate their food. Ben was reading a book like always, Diego was sharpening his knife under the table and Klaus was rolling a fresh 'goint' for later.

Vivian was eating her food until she jumped slightly at the sound of a knife klasing against the table, everybody turned to look at Five as he started to talk, "I have a question."

"Knowledge is a admirable goal, nut you know the rules. No talking during mealtimes, you're interupting Herr Carson."

Five got up from his seat as he threw his utensils on his plate, "I want to time travel."


"But I'm ready, I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said... See?" Five said as he spacial jumped next to their dad.

"A spacial jump is trivial when compared to with the unkowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to decending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reapering as an acorn."

"I don't get it?"

"Hence the reason you're not ready."

Five turned to look at Vanya and Vivian as they both shook their head at him as Vivian gave him a look that said 'Just drop it and sit back down'. But being as stuburn as he is he didn't listen to either Vanya or Vivian.

"I'm not afraid."

"Fear isn't the issue, the effect it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far to unpredictable. Now I forbid you to talk about this anymore." Reginald drop his utensils on his plate as he face Five looking at his.

Five shool his head as he starts running out of the academy, "Number 5!" Reginald yells as Vivian stands up from her seat and runs out after him as their dad calls out for her, "Number 8!" She runs out of the academy as she catches up to Five, "Five what are you doing." Five stopped running as he turned to look at her, "I have to do this." Vivian looked at him, "Just promise me you'll come back." Five walks closer to her as he puts his hand under her chin lifting up her head as he pecked her lips softly, "I promise I'll come back sweetheart." he said as he pulled away starting to walk away from her leaving her to stand there all alone a tear streaming down her cheek.

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