Chapter 1

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"A seemly young woman is assumed to be the CEO of one of the biggest tech companies in the world. The photo was sent to us via mail by an anonymous sender this morning. Our sources have not yet been able to have a clear view of the face in the picture but the woman is seen leaving the main headquarters of the company, here in New York.

Within the last one year, Andruzzi corp. has had a turnover of 650 million dollars, just from their latest collection of sports cars named RAGE.The limited edition models were quite in demand after the initial auction at the company's highly secured annual charity gala.

The rumors around the launch of their newest model of sports cars and the possible face reveal of the genius behind the company has brought an uproar in America.

Since the company started almost 4 years ago, it has shown exponential growth in limited time frame. Who is the person behind all this success? Is it really a woman leading a multi-billion dollar company? If it is, then who is she? For further information, keep watching...."

I mute the TV, close my eyes and relax back into my chair with a heavy sigh. My body feels tired but my mind is running with a hundred thoughts.The company, and the new launch is stressful enough, but with the photo leak and rumors, I might have to pull quite a few nights at the office to settle this.

My jaw tightens when my thoughts are interrupted by my phone. Seems like I can't get one moment of peace.

But all the irritation washes away in a second when I read the four letter name on my phone with a little yellow heart next to it.


I accept the FaceTime and wait for him to look away from whoever he is talking to. From the low angle of his phone, the strong jawline and long eyelashes that we both share are visible. Few strands of his dark blond hair is sticking to his forehead due to sweating. That's when I realise he's wearing his basketball jersey. He might have just been done with practice.

Finally he realises that I picked up the call and says goodbye to his, possibly a teammate and focuses on me with a big grin and baby blue eyes sparkling with mischief. I can't help the small smile that takes over my face.

"Hello, my lovely sister. What are you upto this fine afternoon?" He asks in a horrible British accent, the grin still present. I close my eyes for a second and stop myself from laughing. He already made this day so much better. I open my eyes and look at him with a straight face.

"If you stop with the awful accent, I'll give you what you called for. Whatever that is"

He releases a loud, obviously fake and highly dramatic gasp. He is trying to look offended.

"Are you saying that I cannot call my big sister without a hidden motive?" I raise my eyebrows and stare him down through the phone. Five seconds pass before he sighs and looks down and groans.

"Ok fine. We haven't spent any time together this week. You were at whatever you do and I was busy with classes and practice. So I was thinking that we could go down to fuchinos and have some momos and maybe go see the fair? What do you say?" He gives me the big eyes and exaggerated pout to get what he wants. Apparently it works because my heart melts that he wants to spend time with me.

I look at the laptop screen behind the phone, filled with meetings scheduled for today and look back at him.
"Pretty please Cherry?" He over does the pout and widens his eyes a bit more. He is two seconds away from looking constipated.

"Okay. Yes. We'll do whatever you want today. I'll tell Liam to go home. I'll pick you up instead." This brings back the grin again.

"I knew you couldn't resist the pout. I'll see you in thirty? Love you Cherry. Bye."

"Love you too. Bye" He hangs up and I take a deep breath before I press the intercom and ask my assistant Denise to come in. She walks in with my afternoon coffee and her iPad. I round the desk and take the coffee from her outstretched hand. The caffeine gets rid of some of the tiredness.

"Send the rest of the Mariam files to my house. I'm going home." I tell her and close my laptop and fix a slightly tilted pen on my desk back into its position.

"But you have three more meetings and a product testing today." She says as she looks through her iPad.

"Cancel it and reschedule the important ones for tomorrow. The product testing can wait till Monday. And ask PR to take care of the photo issue. The last thing I need is public knowing who I am." I carry my bag in one hand and coffee in the other and walk out my office to the private elevator. Denise trailing just behind. I press the elevator button and get in.

Denise finally looks up from the iPad. "The meetings have been rescheduled and PR is taking care of the photo as we speak. Every photo in the internet will be taken down within the hour."

I handpick my personal staff and this is the reason I picked Denise. She did all these in the short walk from my office to the elevator. She was efficient in what she did and she didn't give a crap about anyone. I liked that about her.

"Good." The elevator started closing.

"Have a nice day Ms.Andruzzi." I sent a small smile her way. I couldn't possibly wish her the same considering she was probably going to spend the entire day in the office working with the PR in damage control.

I walk out to the personal garage and get in one of SAGE's customized cars. It was matte black and two seater.

The school was a 15 minute drive from my office. And another 20 minutes drive to the restaurant.

I am not a fan of crowded spaces and street foods. But I had a feeling that the next few days were going to be hectic. So maybe a day out with the only person I could tolerate could be the calm before the storm.

I book a table at fuchinos and sent Luca a text that I'll be there in 15 minutes.
I focus back on the road and play some faint music in the background.

That's when I remember. I probably need to change into something casual, preferably not a suit.

If I knew this would be the last day we would be each other's only family, I might have done a lot more than dinner and a visit to a fair.

If I knew this would be the last day we would be each other's only family, I might have done a lot more than dinner and a visit to a fair

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