Chapter 9

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Landing in Minsk, a car is already waiting for us. It's a 2 hour drive to my warehouse in a remote part of Belarus. People there are too poor or trying hard to survive to even care about who comes and goes.

As we near the destination, the roads turn bumpy and the air is dusty. Within a 3 mile radius, there is a Tyre factory where most of the people work. We reach a two story building made of bricks surrounded by nothing other than brown dust or dried weeds and grass. From outside, the building looks abandoned and almost at the verge of collapse.

I and Aden get out and walk towards the wooden door and I knock it three times with equal intervals. Ronan open the door and greets me witha respectful nod. He warily glances at Aden but doesn't question considering I brought him. Three of us pass a hallway and stop at a door. Ronan moves the little portrait on the wall and punches in a 6 digit password and the door opens. I and Aden follow him down the narrow stairs to the basement. We reach another door and Ronan does the same and we enter into large hall with a dozen men scattered around. Some working on high-tech systems, some working with weapons. They all stop and give me the same nod and wary glances at Aden.

Ronan leads us to another hallway, this one more dim and away from all the chatter. Another two doors and we reach the cells guarded by heavily armed men. I only had one prisoner here, as of now. We reach the cell and before Ronan opens, he looks at me. "Our boys cleaned him up a bit." I raise an eyebrow at him. "They were too hungry." He shrugs and I shake my head. He opens the door, the creak of the metal alerting the man strapped to the chair. He doesn't raise his head but I know he's aware of me. As Ronana said, he does look beaten up.

Ronan goes to stand in the far corner of the cell and Adens stands near the door. I walk up to the empty chair and drag it in front of the unmoving man. He looks as if he's unconscious but I know better. I take the seat and cross my legs, my left hand resting on my lap and right elbow on the armrest with my chin on my fisted hand. I take a moment to analyse him. His hair is shaggy and blood dripping down his nose and split lips. A few minutes pass in silence.

"Solotov." He doesn't move, staying still with his body still hunched. But now he knows that I know who he is. "Who ordered the hit?" I get straight to the point. He doesn't answer. I keep my calm and realize Solotov won't budge. As much I expected of a notorious killer. But I have something on him. I lean back in my chair and release an audible sigh. I tab my finger on the chair and a smile graces my lips.

"I visited Czech once, a while back. It's a beautiful place. My favorite is Prague. The buildings, its history, the parks, everything is so beautiful." I breathe out as if I'm reminiscing an old memory. I know he's listening closely but doesn't move. "But I think what's more beautiful is its people. Especially the women. So exquisite. Don't you think so Solotov?" I ask him and release a chuckle before speaking. "Oh who am I kidding. Of course you know." The smile drops from my face as Aden hands me a phone with live footage. I don't take my eyes off of the chained man as I speak out my next words. "After all, you did fall in love with one." He stiffens for a second but I catch it. Now I've got his attention.

"Such a gorgeous woman. A pretty face really. It's a pity that a bullet is going to ruin it." He snaps he neck towards me, eyes filled with a murderous rage. I look back at the footage of the woman with curly ebony hair prancing around, serving food in an open Cafe in Prague, with a pretty smile. "Mila Lyubov. It's been 3 years you've been together, right?" I ask with a curious face and slowly turn the phone, showing him the live footage. He is furious now and I hide my smirk. Solotov did everything in his power to keep her a secret. But I thrive on collecting information.

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