Chapter 2

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Driving through the gate, I spot him immediately. Leaning against the wall and talking to someone.

He was subtly tapping his foot, a nervous tick of his. That's when i focused on his face. He looked flustered and seemed to be stuttering and the other person had a smirk.

Hmm. Interesting.

As soon as he saw my car he excused himself from the person with a little wave and a smile and spedwalk towards me. Like he couldn't get away any faster. A smile made up to my face at how nervous he was.

First thing he did after getting in was kiss my cheeks. It was his way of saying I love you. Physical touch has always been his love language. So I made sure he knew that if he wanted a hug, he could always come to me. And he would, he would walk upto me and raise his hands, waiting for a hug, like when he was 5. He only acted like a little kid around me. It never bothered me though. I wanted him to feel safe and be childish whenever he wanted.

"How was your day Luca?" I asked as I started the car and reversed out of the parking lot.

"It was great. How was your day?" He still looked a bit flustered but I knew it wasn't because of something that would cause him physical danger so I let it be. He would talk to me when he was ready.

"Hectic, I really needed a break. I made a reservation at fuchinos but I'll have to stop by home to change."

"Okay. You sound tired. Are you coming straight from work?" He asked in a nonchalant voice. But I knew it was anything but that. I slid him a look of warning and end the conversation with a simple yes.

We reached home and it took me 15 minutes to change and make a call and in another 10 minutes we were parked in front of fuchinos.

I hand the key to the valet and walk in with Luca by my side. The manager, Kaisy was waiting at the entrance desk for us. She did that everytime I made a reservation. Her brunette hair was in lose curls, face done with minimalistic makeup and fitted in a blouse and a pencil skirt and heels which added a few inches to her 5'3 stature.

"Welcome Ms.Andruzzi." She greets me with a beaming smile. I saw Luca hanging his head from my peripheral vision. Kaisy dragged her eyes towards Luca and greeted him too. I give her a distracted nod and smile and focus on Luca with a questioning look. He just smiles back and let Kaisy lead us to our table.

The soft, glowing yellow lights, the big illuminated cherry tree and Japanese scriptures on the wall were now inscribed into my mind, considering how many times we've come here.

We take a seat and I look up to Kaisy who is already staring at me. She hands us our menus and stands there still staring. I raise an eyebrow and that seems to get her to move.

"Will it be the usual or would you like to try something more spicy?" She asks, leaning a bit forward and emphasizing 'spicy'. I see Luca raising the menu and covering his face. His body is subtly shaking. I look up to Kaisy and order the usual and look back at Luca to see if he's okay. Kaisy excuses herself and that's when Luca puts down the menu and starts cackling.

I sit there with a blank look and that sends him into another round of laughter. I wait for him to calm down.

"Care to share the joke?" He snorts and looks at me like I'm crazy.

"You really don't see how that manager-"

"You mean Kaisy?" I interrupt him. He raises his eyebrows and gives me a smirk.

"You know her name?" He asks me and I look back at the menu, just because I can.

"Of course I know her name. We've been coming here for years."

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