Chapter 3

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"How the fuck did you not miss even one shot?" Luca exclaimed looking at the back seat of our car.

We were on our drive back from the fair and he couldn't stop talking about the game we played. In all fairness, I would've not played, but the guy at the stall laughed when Luca missed two balloons and that made my brother frown. I simply did not like that. So I took initiative in popping not just five, that were enough to win the stuff toy he wanted, but all the balloons in that stall. Hence the 25 stuff toys filling half our car.

"Language. And I practice my aim. I know a good shooting range if you're interested." I drive through the gate to our mansion once the AI identifies me and Luca.

"Really? I'd love that." I smile in response and remind myself to make the necessary arrangements later for his training.

If it were fully upto me, I would never want Luca touching a weapon. But if something happens and he is able to get ahold of a gun, I would want him to know how to use it to defend himself.

We walk through the garage door towards the kitchen. I pour myself a glass of water and watch Luca walk to the game room.

"Take a shower Luca." I remind him before gulping the water and rinsing the glass.

"But I showered after practice!" I turn around to explain to him about how unsanitary a fair could be and how he was running around like a kid with sugar rush and sweating throughout. The cold in London wasn't a help when it came to him. But I'm interrupted by my phone. I take a quick look at the caller ID and look back at Luca.

"Shower. Now." That seems effective considering he turns and walks towards the stairs. I hear him groaning and muttering. I follow the sounds till I hear his bedroom door click shut and then answer the phone.

"Miss me already Timothy? I wasn't expecting your call until tomorrow morning." I lean against the kitchen counter and listen closely for movement upstairs.

"Serena, I wasn't expecting to call you tonight either, dear. My kids have shown up with their families and demanded I take a month long vacation. As if I dont have a job!" I hear him scoff and I supress my laughter. Timothy Hudson was 65 years old and a hard-core workaholic. Hell would freeze over before he took a vacation on his own. I can't blame his kids.

"You deserve it Tim. Go have some fun with your family." I hear him sigh and curse himself for complaining to me of all people.

"Yeah well, my kids are as stubborn as me but not as clever. So I negotiated and reduced the vacation to two and a half weeks. They wanted me off the phone too. That's why before I left, I wanted to check in on you. Any new symptoms dear?"

"No, everything as usual. I've been doing the self checks daily and taking the medicine on time. Nothing is going to happen in the next 18 days. So, stop worrying and go enjoy with your family, Tim." I lower my voice and keep my eyes on the kitchen entrance.

"That's good. But if anything, call me immediately. I'm giving my personal phone to my children, not the work one. So call me if anything happens, okay?" I cannot stop the laugh bubbling out of me this time.

"Okay I will. Take care Timothy and have fun." He grunts like I've asked him to do something completely absurd. He hangs up and I linger in the kitchen for a moment, hung up on thoughts and eventually walk upstairs. Walking by Luca's room, I hear his TV on. He must have been done with the shower. I walk to my room, and beeline straight to the bathroom. After this day, I need a bath.


I submerge myself into the bathtub and close my eyes. There is an unsettling feeling in my stomach but the soft glow of the candles and the slow music playing makes me relax.

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