Chapter 5

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Monday had come quite too fast. Last two days, I and Luca did everything we felt like. Watching movies, shopping, we even had karaoke night. We were acting like it was our last day alive.

I knew he was in denial though. It wouldn't hit him until the very last moment, that we wouldn't be living together anymore. When Luca was diagnosed with separation anxiety 7 years ago, it was hard. Especially when I had to leave him home to go for work. Back then, working from home on a laptop was not a luxury I could afford. Since then, we have found ways to deal with it and he is doing much better. But sometimes, he panics at the thought of me leaving him. I knew it wouldn't be any different today.

Last night, I helped him pack everything he wanted. Now while I sit in the kitchen and sip on my coffee, he's upstairs, packing his little carry bag.

I'm scrolling through a document in my laptop when I feel him coming towards the kitchen. I taught myself a long time ago, how to sense his presence when I knew how silent he could be if he wanted.

Walking in through the door, with his 6'4 stature, muscles in all the right places and fitted in black, he looked powerful. His ink black hair is swept back with a few strands falling on his forehead and his hazel eyes with golden flecks around holds the indifferent look he always seemed to carry around. The small scar on his temple, just above his left eyebrows, somehow adds to his intimidating yet elegant look.

Aden Lasko, in every sense of the word, was a formidable man. I have come to understand that with personal experience in the last three years we have known each other.

I drag my eyes down his body and hide my smile at the black turtle neck he's wearing. I have never seen him wear anything other than t-shirts or turtlenecks and that too never a colour other than black. Even the trenchcoat he wears all the time, which I gifted him 2 years ago on Christmas was also black.

I look back at his face when he reaches me and places the file he brought on the table. I sip on my coffee and go through it.

"A full trail has been made like you asked. From the adoption papers to death certificate, everything is uploaded. Nothing can be tracked back to us." His low and deep voice makes me lose concentration before I pull myself together and quickly read through everything.

"Very well, I will brief Luca on the way. Can you ask Liam to be ready with the car? I don't want to drive today." I look up at him as I finish my coffee. "Already done. He is waiting for you outside. Anything else needs to be done before we leave?" I shake my head and give him a small smile as a gratitude for his efficiency. As always he doesn't smile back but gives me a short nod and turns around, leaving the kitchen in few long strides. I sigh and decide it's time to leave and call out for Luca. Within a few minutes, I hear him running down the steps. "Don't run." The footsteps slow down and finally he enters the kitchen with his blue backpack. Behind him, two of my men are carrying his suitcases outside, to put in the car.

"Ready?" He gives me a hesitant nod with a forced smile. The grip on his bag is too tight and tension lines his shoulders. I release a sigh as I walk upto him and slowly cup both his cheeks. I stoke my thumbs on his cheeks and give him the smile only reserved for him. Filled with all the love I have for my little brother. "I'm sorry Luca. If I had any other choice, I wouldn't have made you go." I keep my tone soft and comforting. "You'll get used to it soon enough. Once you get comfortable with them, it will be fun. I promise." He nods at me and wrap his arms around my waist and hugs me tight. I hug him back and realise how tall he has become. As tall as me. We stand like that for a few minutes while I run my hands through his hair. Pulling back, I smile at him again and we walk out.

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