Little Ms.Mystery

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I've been promoting for weeks, now it was my turn to debut. I was hyped. I couldn't believe it, ever since I was 10 I've been dreaming of this moment. My music played, 'I'm Not Alright' By Shinedown, and I stepped out, the crowd was crazy, screaming, hollering, yelling, all of this for me. I was the newest Diva in the WWE and my first match was against Alica Fox. She stood in the ring chuckling at the newest rookie. She'll regret that. 

I walked down the ramp and started high-fiving people. I high-five as many people as I could before I stepped into the ring. The ref rang the bell and Alicia started circling me around the ring. I stayed where I was, watching her circling me. I had to chuckle, just a bit. I already had an idea of what I was gonna do. About the second time around, I tackled her. We bounced off the ropes and I through her towards the next set. I ducked and hopped under her. When she bounced off the ropes, I kicked right between the eyes. Out cold. Just as I planned. 

I smiled and thought if this would be the only damage I would cause. I pinned her. 1. 2. 3. I won my first match, I couldn't put my enjoyment into words. I was happy. I skipped my way back to backstage with the brightest smile on my face. I saw other superstars back here, Sheamus, Big Show, CM Punk, Randy Orton, all the biggest names in the WWE. I wonder what was keeping me from screaming like a 12 year old again.

I opened my locker room door and flopped on my couch. I wasn't exasted, I was relieved. My plan was in motion, they were taking Alicia out on a strechter. I was gonna take the WWE Diva's Championship and prove to AJ that I was worthy for it. There was a knock at the door and I turned down the TV before I responded, "Come in."

The door handle turned and came in the person I'd last expect to see in my locker room. John Cena. The John Cena.  I stood up on instinct. He's been my favorite Superstar every since I was 9. He was a lot cuter in person. And taller. I think I forgot how to breath. I took a breath of air and he finally spoke, "Hi, I'm John Cena." I nodded my head as I shook his hand, "I heard you're the newest Diva everyone's talking about and I wanted to congratulate you on your win tonight."

"Yeah, Thanks. I'm Victory." I was trying to act like I had manners again. I hadn't really talked to anyone here, I was just like that. I kept in my little shell, all to myself. "Please, sit." He took his seat on the couch and I sat next to him, still sure to leave space between us. "Wow, you're the John Cena." 

"Yep," He smiled, "In the flesh." My mouth was open ,but I didn't noticed until I thought about it. "Where'd you learn how to wrestle like that? You took Alicia out in less time I've ever seen a Diva do."

"I just picked things up here and there. Nowhere in particular." I said sheepishly. I started fiddling with my thumbs. 

"I hope you're getting settled ok." I nodded. 

"Yeah, Vince already got me a tour bus. It's not big, but it's good enough for me." I felt like I was yammering away.

"So, tell me about yourself." He shocked me with the question. I don't really tell people about me. I'd rather be kept a mystery. 

I wanted to avoid the question, "I'm not trying to be rude or anything ,but don't you have a match tonight?"

"I do, but I just wanted to pop in and say hi, but if you want me to go." He started getting up and I was punching myself in the face.

"I was just, trying to get something straight." I stood up. "If you need to go get ready now, we could just meet up later and talk." 

"That sounds good, I'd like to walk you to your car after the show." He said as he still reached for the handle,

"Ok, see ya."

"See ya." As soon as the door closed, I took a huge sigh. I just talked to the John Cena. Oh My God! I was hopping like a little girl in place while I was squealing. The door knocked again and I stopped in my place and got myself together again. 

"Come in." I said. This time is was my bestest friend, Daniella. She'd come on with me on the road and from what I could see, she was having a blast as well. Daniella rushed into me and gave me a huge hug. We squealed together in excitment. Then, she was the one to pop the question.

"I just saw John Cena come out of the locker room. Did you talk with him?" 

"Yes!" I sounded like a little girl again. I needed to calm down, "We just talked. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't get any ideas, Dani."

"Aw, come on. Can't a girl wonder?" 

"Yes, but I don't want to hear it. It was just a talk." 

"Fine, I won't bug you about it." She sat on the couch and watched as John's music hit. He came out with that smile on his face like he always had. It was fun to watch him on TV. Another knock at the door before the match started. Who could it be now?

I got up and walked towards the door, this time it was Randy Orton. "Hey," He said. I'd like him just as much as John, but I knew how to handle myself now.

"Hi, Randy. Won't you come in?" 

He waved my offer away, "Nah, I'm not gonna stay that long. I just wanted to say congrats to our newest Diva."


"Don't, your gonna get it almost everywhere you turn. Get used to it." He walked down the hall without another word. I stood at the doorway, he seemed kinda harsh and blunt about it. I didn't think he was actually like that, but I just left it alone. 

I closed the door and the match already started. Cena vs. Big Show. He wasn't in the middle of a storyline right now, so it was just a random match. I stretched, my muscles were starting to tense up, I needed to take a shower before I was hurting terrible, "Hey, Dani, I'm gonna go change. I'll be back." I grabbed a pair of clothes and waited by the doorway for Daniella's answer.

She just waved me off, "Ok." I rolled my eyes and walked out. I found the showers and took a quick one. I put on a T-Shirt, short jeans, and a demin jacket. I pulled it off well even though I was about 5'6'. I had a curvy body that helped with the looks. But I knew that wasn't going to get me far here. Before I reached the locker room, I ran into the Diva's Champion, AJ. She glared at me.

I put an emotionless face on and stared at her. We were about the same height, but it was the title I was after, "So, you're the new girl ,hu?" She finally said.

"Yeah, the name's Victory." She stared at me some more. 

She finally said, "What's your game? If you're after this."She patted the Championship on her shouolder, "then just forget it. It's your first day airring on the WWE and you just think you can take it like that." She chuckled, "You're a rookie, if I know Vince, and I do, he would never give the number one contenters spot to a rookie." 

Now was the time for me to step up, "Try me." She chuckled again and walkked past me. I heard her mutter the word.


This girl was starting to piss me off. No one knows how far my temper will go, but I know not a lot of people want to find out, but she's just asking for it. Asking.

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