Chapter 10

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*Dani's POV*

I was starting to get sleepy around 9:15. I guess I should start heading to bed. I got up, turned off the TV, and headed to my room. Victory and John had gone to bed already, I assumed, so I was all alone. I opened the door to my room, and totally forgot about Randy. He was so quiet I couldn't even remember he was on the bus. He was sitting on my bed staring at the photo of me and Jordan. I forgot to destroy it.

"Randy?" I asked in a low voice, I remember John telling me he was 'Drunk off his ass'. He still kept his eyes on the picture, not even trying to acknowledge me. "Randy, are you ok?" I saw a small cut on his left cheek, probably from the fight from earlier.

"Wo's he?" He slurred suddenly. I jumped at the new voice in the room. I didn't actually think he was speaking words, but I could understand him.

"Who?" I had an idea ,but I just didn't want to guess and be wrong.

"The guy in the picture." He didn't slur anymore, he talked as if he was sober. "Who is he?"

"Jordan, my..." I almost said my current boyfriend, instead of my ex, "Ex. My ex boyfriend." I heard a small growl come from him. I actually didn't know he would growl, I thought it was only voices he heard.

"When did he hurt you?" He had an aggresive tone and I saw a vein start popping out. What did he mean by hurt me? Jordan never touched me that way.

"What do you mean hurt?"

"When did he break up with you?" He said through gritted teeth.

"About two days ago." I was kinda fearful of Randy's tone. I never personally heard him mad and now I understood why people were intimidated.

"How long were you two together?"

I had to count the months we were together on my fingers, "About 7 months."

He took a hard swallow and continued, "Who broke up with who?"

"He broke up with me." I heard him growl louder this time. He picked up the picture and looked at it for a while. In one sudden motion, he slammed the picture on the floor and I squealed and jumped back as glass shattered sacattered. I closed the door so Randy wouldn't wake up Vic and John.

"Randy what's wrong with you?" I asked concerned. He slouched on the bed and looked down at the broken picture frame. Well, at least I don't have to break the picture anymore. Even though that would have been fun and made me feel better. I can still burn the photo though.

I made my way over to Randy without stepping on glass and sat next to him. I grabbed his hand and he moved his head over to look down at the hand I touched, "Randy, please tell me what's wrong." I begged.

He looked up at me with an ice cold stare, "He hurt you. I hurt him." Was Randy being protective of me?

"Randy, it's no big deal. I have Victory for that. You don't have to worry about anything of that. No matter how long we've been together or why he dumped me, you don't have to worry." I explained. "I promise."

"Why did he dump you?" He asked. I took a breath to keep the pain ,that was rising down.

"He met another girl and dumped me for her."

"Did he meet her after you left?"

I felt a tear rising and I took another breath so I wouldn't lose control of myself. I couldn't do that, not right now. "He met her five months ago. He's been dating her for three months." A tear fell and I bit my bottom lip so I wouldn't cry over that jackass anymore. Dating two girls at once only to kill one of their hearts.

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