Chapter 5

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"He took her." I kept repeated it over and over in my head. It wouldn't go through my head. I caused this, he has her because of me. We had 30 minutes before we could go back to the bus. I had to keep myself together to find Dani.

"Are you ok?" John asked.

"We shouldn't be worried about me, we should be worried about Dani and how to get her back." I went over and picked up the Championship. "Randy, take the championship back to AJ. I don't want it anymore. But be careful, I don't know what type of game Kane's playing here." He took the Championship and left. I turned my attention back to the screen. CM Punk vs. Big Show. Punk was about to pin Show when the jumbo tron came on.

Kane came on the screen and laughed, "Oh, Victory." I stood up on instinct. If I find Kane, I can figure out where Dani is. "I've got someone for you." The camera pulled back to show a weltering Dani. Her eyes were puffy and her face had dried water on it. The camera pulled back even farther to reveal they were standing on my tour bus. I knew exactly where that was.

I sprinted out the door and towards the exit, "Victory, get back here!" John call from the locker room. I didn't listen. I went outside to the bus and saw them standing on the bus. Kane saw me too, and that's when Kane grabbed Dani by the neck and threw her down onto a pile of wooden boards. Everything froze, even time itself froze. I couldn't move.

Kane disappeared into the night with another trace. Paramedics rushed past me and tended to Dani. I felt John's arms wrap around my shoulders. The emotionless expression was back, replaying the scene over and over again. Might as well call me robot.

The show was over and Me, Randy, and John all sat on the couch on the bus. It took another hour to get the authority away ,but they eventually left. I felt nothing anymore, I caused all of this Hell. Who am I anymore? "Are you ok?" John asked.

I replied this time with an honest answer, "No." I felt my jaw quiver and tears started to rise. I blinked them away, I hated crying. I was never one of those people you saw crying. I kept trying to swallow the urge to cry ,but it just made things worst.

"It's ok to cry." John finally said. Then I felt the first tear leave my eye and fall onto my leg. The rest came gushing out. It was like a dam that had been broken. I sobbed into my hands. Letting tears go some recently and some that needed to come out from years back. John pulled me into his chest and I cried there for a moment. I felt Randy's hand pat my back and I hear him say the first words come out of his mouth since this all happened,

"It wasn't you fault."

I sat back up and looked Randy in the eye, "Yes, it is. When I made that deal with Kane, I gave him permission to do whatever wanted with a comrade of mine. I'd thought he'd go after one of you two, but I was wrong. So wrong. Now, my best friend, who could be my sister, is in the hospital dead for all I know."

"Don't say that." John said. "I talked to the Paramedics and they said she's going to be fine, she just needs to heal over a process of 3 weeks. And Vince has given us all permission to have an off for those 3 weeks. I also talked to Randy and he has agreed with me that we should stay here while on our off until you get Dani back." I put my head back in his chest and hugged him.

I whispered, "Thank you."

"Randy will sleep in Dani's room and I'll sleep on the couch." John continued, "We'll pay for groceries and the medical bills. No you're not stopping us, she was our responsibility too and we let you and her down. Is that understood?" I nodded in his chest. "Randy, can you give us a minute?" I didn't see him, but I felt Randy get up from the couch and I heard the door close.

John pulled me from his chest and looked me in the eyes, "None of this was your fault, none of it. Kane did all of this. You did nothing."

I put my face back into my hands and talk through them, "I gave Kane permission to do whatever he wanted. I should have saw it coming. I'm just as hideous and ugly as him."

John pulled my wrists away from my face and looked me dead in the eye, "You are nothing from hideous. You know what I see?" I looked away from him. "I see a beautiful young woman who thought she was doing right. You and him shouldn't even be in the same sentence." I looked back at him now.

"Look closer, John. I made that deal for my own selfish reasons, if you heard what I said back there, you'd understand why I'm such a monster."

He sighed heavily, "Dammit, Victory." I felt his lips on mine and electricity ran through my body. It felt like heaven. My lips moved in rhythm with his. He glided his tongue over my lower lip, asking for entrance. I granted it to him and he dove in. His tounge danced with mine and it was the best feeling I've ever had. He had to pull back before we passed out from the lack of air. He leaned his forehead on me and I did the same to him, "You are not him. You are beautiful, talented, and strong. I never thought a girl like you even existed. After what I've seen you go through, you are amazing. You are stronger than any man or woman I've ever seen. Ever since I laid eyes on you, you take my breath away, and you still do."

"Thank you, John." I put my head back on his chest and felt safe in his warmth. I fell asleep in his arms.

-Next Morning-

I woke up to the feeling of someone running their hand through my hair. It took me a minute to remember what happened last night. "Morning." John greeted.

I responded weakly, "Morning." I looked around, "What time is it?"

"Like 9."

"9? How long have you been up?"

He still had a watch on wrist from last night, "Since about 6."

"And you've just been watching me sleep?"

"Yep, you're adorable when you sleep." He chuckled. He started getting up and I sat up as well. I already missed the safety of his arms. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower. I'll be back." What clothes did he have with him? Somethine popping to my mind before he went into the bathroom.



"What does this mean for us? Like are we still friends? Or did this turn to a boyfriend and girlfriend thing?"

He thought about it for a second, "What do you want it to be?"

I muttered, "Boyfriend, girlfriend."

"Then that's what we are, BF and GF." I smiled I loved being called his girlfriend.

I heard the shower start to run and Randy came out of what was now called his room. He wore nothing ,but boxers, but I've seen him without a shirt before so it didn't bother me. "Hey, Vic." Randy greeted.

"Morning, Randy." He sat next to me as I turned on the TV.

"So, what happened last night when I went off to my room?"

I knew I shouldn't lie to Randy and he is John's best friend and he's helped just as must as John, so I think I could let him in, "Me and John kissed."

A smile ran across his face, "That sly dog." He chuckled, "He's been waiting to do that ever since he met you."

"He has?" I asked.

"Yeah, when he first met you, he wouldn't shut up about it." I guess Dani was right. "Does this mean that you two are together?"


"Left the guy alone for 12 hours and he's already got a girlfriend. He is something different I tell ya."

"He's speical." I said as I turned back to Nascar. He's mine.

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