Chapter 3

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I got up around 6:45. I still had a couple of things to do around the bus, like make breakfast for Dani when she wakes up, and clean the bus. When I went to the main area, Dani was already up looking like I was getting married. "Morning, Sleepyhead." She said in a cheerful tone.

Dani is never cheerful in the mornings, "What have you done with Dani?"

"What? I can't get up early and make sure my best friend is out the door in time for her date?" She said with a smirk on her face.

"You can do half of that. The other half is impossible, because we're just friends. Do you not believe me?" I popped a hot pocket in the microwave and hit start.

"Honestly, Vic. I don't. Do you even know where this coffee place is?" 

I took my Hot Pocket out and munch on it, "Yes, I do. He sent me the address last night."

"And you didn't tell me this?" She mocked a face of shock.

"No, 'cause it's none of your business." 

"OK, how about this: Since this is just a 'friend' hang out thing, that means I'm allowed to come too, right?"

Dammit, she thought this through, well that just means I can prove her wrong faster. "Yes, you can come." She smiled,  had a feeling she had something in mind. "Let me just inform John about it first." I picked up my phone and texted John. 'Morning, Dani wants to come along with us to secretly spy on me. You mind if she comes?'

'Not at all, In fact, Randy's coming as well so that worked out well' I moved the phone in Dani's face and said calmly, "See, he was completly fine with it, and it proves it's not a date."

"We shall see." I rolled my eyes and went back to my room to change. 

-7:55; Coffee Shop-

We were in the parking lot of the coffee shop and was brushing my hair again for the 8th time. I've counted, "Dani." She kept yammering about how I had to look perfect for a date, "Dani." She wouldn't stop talking, "Dani!" I stepped away from her. I was sick of the brushing, and the constant use of the word date, and Dani's yammering. "Can we just go inside, please? We've been out here for 10 minutes."

She huffed, "Fine." I dashed into the coffee shop before Dani stopped me again. I was wearing another white T-Shirt and blue jeans. As I stepped inside, a smell of peach flooded my nose. It was a calming sent. Soft chatter drifted across the seats and it was kinda dark in here. Calm. Just what Dani needed. I spotted them at a corner table. John saw me first and waved me and Dani over. 

He was wearing one of his signature shirts, and jeans. Randy on the other hand was wearing a black polo shirt with jeans. Randy was looking down at his coffee as I approached. It was a booth set up, John and Randy on one side, me and Dani on the other. I ordered a normal coffee and Dani ordered a cappuccino of some sorts. It just sounded like gibberish to me.

After we got our order, I couldn't help but noticed Randy was still looking down at his lap. "What's wrong, Randy?" I asked. It seemed something was eating him. 

He looked up at me with icy, blue eyes and replied with no sort of emotion in his voice what so ever, "Nothing." I had to admit, he did scare me, but I wasn't gonna let him see it. 

John nudged him playfully, "Oh, this big teddy bear just doesn't know how to make friends." 

"I know how to make friends." Randy objected. 

John leaned forward and whispered, "Once you get you get to know him, he's not that mean." He winked. 

I sipped on my coffee and was waiting for another conversation starter, "How are you liking the WWE so far?" John asked.

"It's fun, it really is, but I have things in mind."

"May I ask what they are?" 

Dani scoffed, "Good luck with that. She won't even tell me what her intentions are. I think you should be fearful though." 

"Oh, please tell." A voice said. We all looked over and saw the inevitable. I huffed and slouched in my seat.

"What do you want AJ?" I said with grimace in my voice.

"Well, I was coming over here to say 'Hi' to John ,but then I saw you and thought I should ruin your morning." 

"Mission accomplished." I muttered.

"But ,please tell me what your rookie mind has come up with." Silence, "Nothing? That's what I thought. Your attempt makes me laugh." I kept clenching and unclenched my fists to calm myself down. Dani moved her hand on my arm. She knew what I was capable of, she was scared of me too. "Don't worry, if you do come up with something by Monday, I've been thinking of something too. And I think mine is better." She walked off. What was keeping me from beating her ass right here and now?

No, wait for Monday that would have a bigger audience. I couldn't wait for Monday to come, "What was that about?" Randy asked. I'd calm myself enough to talk, finally.

"AJ's been giving me a hard time ever since I got here, but I know exactly how to make her step down."

"How's that?" John asked. 

I smirked evilly, "A big red monster." 

"What?!" Randy and John yelled, completely surprised. Dani on the other hand, spit out her drink. 

Dani was the first to speak, "Vic, you know I love ya, but you are insane!" 

"I hate to admit it, but I have to agree with Daniella right now." John said. Randy nodded as well, "What would give you the idea to go to Kane after your first week in the WWE?"

"It doesn't matter how long you've been in the WWE, it matters on courage. I'm not afraid." This is why I never opened up, everybody would think I'm out of my head. But to me it made perfect sense.

"What if you get hurt?" Randy asked.

"Oh, well. You two both know to make it in this business, you have to take risks. This is my risk."  Silence fell among them all. I was just hoping they'd understand where I was coming from. 

"I'm coming with you." John said suddenly.

"Excuse me?" I wanted to make sure I heard him right.

"I'm coming with you to talk to Kane."

"Me too." Dani chirped.

"Me as well." Randy said, back to his emotionless self.

A little help couldn't kill, "Alright, but let me warn you, Kane's unpredictable. He could do anything to anyone of us. We all know he's merciless." They all nodded. I let out a sigh, "With that settled, anything else yall want to mention before me and Dani have to head back?"

Randy smiled at me, "I like you, kid. Ya got guts."

"It's not guts," I lowered my voice to add effect, "it's voices." Both John's and Randy's face went went blank. I just laughed. I was in a messed up state of mind sometimes, but that was me for ya. I got up and grabbed Dani with me, "Well, gentalmen, good day, I'll talk to you sooner or later." Before I left I almost forgot to tell John something, "Oh, and John." He still had that blank expression on his face but he turned to me to show I had his attention, "I'll text you later." I gave a wink of my own and walked out the coffee shop with a still shocked Dani.

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