Chapter 7

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*Victory's POV*

John left to go to some meeting somewhere. I'd text him later about it. Right now, I was tired. It was already about 8PM, considering it was dark out. Me and Randy sat on the couch all day watching sports, and just having a laugh together. I yawned and started to wrap up in a ball on the couch. I shouldn't really sleep on the couch tonight, I do have a bed of my own I can use. I waited another 30 minutes before I made the announcement, "I'm heading to bed." I got up with a stretch.

"Alright, goodnight." He said. It didn't look like he was gonna move in a while, so I just made my way to my room.

"Night." I called. Once I got to my room, I stripped down to my undershirt and underwear. I let the covers engulf me in it's warmth. I had no problem going to sleep as soon as I got comfortable.

*Randy's POV*

I sat on the couch and watched TV by myself, Victory headed off to bed a good hour ago and I was getting used to the lack of noise. I hadn't heard from John all day so I picked up my phone and typed in a quick text, -Hey, where are you?-.

He responded in about a minute or so, -I'm still at this damn conference. It's SO boring, what have u been up to since I left?-

-Just watching TV with Victory. It's been more of a lazy day for me.-

-If Vince doesn't give me another surprise tomorrow, I'm gonna have a lazy day. What's Victory up to now?-

-She went to bed. I should be heading there soon, as well.-

-Alright, don't let me hold u. Go get your beauty sleep.-

-I have to to keep this face pretty. lol.-

-Lol.- I placed my phone on the other end of the couch and laid across the couch again. Maybe I could just sleep here. I laid a hand over my eyes and started to drift to sleep.

"Ah!" There was a small scream in the back that made me jump up instantly. I was trying to figure out where the scream came from, but the only other person on the bus was Victory. Victory! "Randy!" Came the scream again.

I rushed to the back of the bus and stopped at Victory's doorway. I quickly searched the dark room to make sure we were the only ones on the bus. "Vic, are you ok?" She was on he bed hugging her knees to her chest rocking back and forth.I moved inside the room and kept looking in the darkest parts of the room.

"Kane. He was outside, then inside. Then he was right next to me." She got out. She was shaking again. I looked out the window above her to make sure she was dreaming before I sat down next to her.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Kane," Was all I could hear. I wrapped her into my arms, trying to calm her down. I've never seen her like this, she seemed fine when she went off to bed, but I guess her mind itself was torturing her.

I felt bad for her even though I knew this was the only way to get over Kane's antics. When I first was played by Kane, I had no one to turn to back then. I had to deal with it all by myself. I wasn't gonna let that happen to Victory.

I sat there about 15 minutes before she calmed down. I could do this every night for her if she needed to. She then whispered, "I'm sorry."

I pulled her away so I can look her in the eye, "Sorry for what?"

"I'm acting like a kid. This is silly of me." She ran her hand through hair and took another breath.

"Silly? Vic, I'd rather you come to me instead of keeping me out. Is that understood?" She nodded.

"Is John home yet?" She asked.

"No, he's still at the conference. He said he'll be back soon." I began to get up, but a hand on my wrist stopped me.

"Randy," It was the first time I even heard a hint of fear in her voice, "Can you sleep with me night?" I thought for a second. It was just a friend helping a friend, it couldn't hurt John in any way.

"Of course." She laid back down on her side and I slid in behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. Yes, we were technically spooning, but I kinda didn't mind. I almost liked it, but I know she's already with John and those are two people I'd never hurt.

This could be the perfect place to sleep since I saw I wasn't going anywhere in a while. I made myself comfortable and went to sleep myself.


*Randy's POV*

There was tapping at my shoulder when it was still kinda dark out. I groaned and chose to ignore it. What could possibly important this early in the morning?

The light taps turned into hard taps, and then into light punches. I finally opened my eyes and looked for the source of the tapping. John was standing above me, he seemed mad but calm at the same time.

He motioned for me to follow him outside. He left the room as I tried to slip from behind Victory without her waking up. She was sound asleep. I sneaked out of the room and lingered in the hallway with John. He closed the door until there was just a crack.

I kinda knew I was in trouble,but its not like I did anything wrong. I had a right and a reason, "Hey, John." I said nonchalantly.

"Dude, what the hell, Randy?" He softly yelled at me so he wouldn't wake up Victory.

"What?" I actually wanted to see how far I could go with the innocent act, before I was starting to piss him off. I think he was already fuming anyway.

"What the hell were you doing with Victory?"

"Nothing. She got scared and almost begged me to stay with her. What did you want me to do? Leave her?"

There was a silence before he answered, "No. Thank you, Randy." He hesitated for a moment, "But if I find out that you did something with her, I will fight you in the ring."

"John, you know me better than that. I'm here to help her, not to fool around with her. You know I'm not like that. You know that."

He ran his hand through his hair and huffed, "I'm sorry, Randy. I've just been on edge lately. This Kane stuff is starting to get to me."

I patted his back. I understood where he was coming from, Kane was messing with all of us. Some more than others. "I understand. So, how was the conference?" I asked changing the subject.

"I had to drive the next state over, stay for a boring meeting, then drive all the way back here." He seemed exhausted. "I'ma go that a nap." He walked over to the couch and slammed himself on it. He laid his hand over his eyes and I think he went to sleep.

I went back to my room and pulled out my computer from my duffel bag. I set it up somewhere on the floor because I didn't want to disturb Dani's stuff. There was a picture of what looked like her and her boyfriend on the nightstand. He had brown hair like Justin Bieber's, and a face like a baby's.

She seemed happy with him. Something told me about this guy that I didn't like. I seemed like I was getting over protective of the girls now. I didn't know them for long, but I was going to make sure no one was going to hurt these two. Man, listen to me. Am I getting too close?

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