V- The Time in Between

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Hello, this is Juwee or Joey, depends on how you spell it. This chapter is going to be of Kinn remembering these events at present. It's going to be a run-through arranged per chapter. Kinn is remembering these events at present so this is all in past tense so there'd be time-skips too. I hope this helps everyone understand Kinn's character in this ff, though.

Kinn's POV:

I find myself wondering. How did it start? Was it when I saw him kneeling in front of another man while begging? Was it when I was the same desperation that I had in his eyes? Was it the relief that I felt when I saved him? Was it...?

Kinn's recollection of events


One day I woke up with Porsche still sleeping beside me. I kissed him on the cheek as usual and went to get ready for work

I felt uneasy and decided to get home for lunch instead of eating at the office.

"Porsche?" I call for him in our bedroom

"Khun Kinn, Porsche left about an hour ago. He said he'll be out to meet a friend." The maid who came out of the bathroom, probably cleaning, said. Some kind of suspicion ate me up inside for some reason as I pat his side of the bed.

"A phone. He left his phone" This is a different model. I haven't seen it before but I should brush it off. Maybe it's his phone for games. Porsche liked games afterall and he hates getting phonecalls when gaming so this is probably what it is.

Even so, the beating on my chest was getting intense. It isn't locked. Of course, it's a gaming phone, right?

[Unknown number: We're set to go. Meet me at the restaurant we talked about]

[Porsche: Okay. I haven't slept a wink. I had to make sure Kinn's already out of the house before I got my stuff ready.]

It was not hard to guess who Porsche was talking to but I was in denial. Still, I stood up and checked the closet. Nothing seemed to look drastically different except my favorite watch is missing.

It's Porsche's favorite as well. He'd even borrow it from time to time when he had important events to go to, saying it made him feel like I was with him.

Is Porsche leaving me again? Did he take it as a remembrance? No, no, he can't.

What's talking was the hopeful part of my brain but I can't stop the malicious thoughts from coming in.

But he's already done it before. He can do it again.

I decided to push away all meetings with clients and potential clients that day. I gathered bodyguards and went to the restaurant Porsche was in. When I got there, I was surprised to see the three men in very weird-looking positions in the crowd.

Vegas was standing next to Porsche while Pete was on the floor begging Vegas to take him too. Apparently, Vegas and Porsche were to run away together. Pete was saying something about agreeing to be the other man. So this was a romantic escapade? No, it can't be.

Everyone in the restaurant seemed to have been scared of the man with the guns and ran out. It was not my usual style but I was desperate. When Vegas and Porsche saw me, Vegas pushed Pete who was holding onto him and ran hand-in-hand with Porsche. I wanted to shoot Vegas in the skull, to hell with the onlookers, but Porsche was too close in proximity.

Pete was on the floor, manically laughing and crying at the same time. God knows I wanted to do the same but not even Porsche deserves to see me crumble like that.

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