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Pete's POV:

"I need you to do something for me, Pete. Please, I can't trust anyone else with this"

I sigh as I remember Khun Kinn's words right before he left me in this room with his ex. I understand, though. I know Porsche better than any of the bodyguards here. It will be beneficial if I interrogate him especially if I don't let my emotions get the best of me.

So now, I'm back with my old suit. It feels weird to be interrogating someone in my T-shirt and shorts so I requested a bodyguard suit and it feels nostalgic. Fuck, how long has it been?

And then, I see him. He flinches a bit as he heard the door open but stayed still right after. I don't know much but I feel....embarrassed for him.

Maybe this is supposed to be a bigger deal than how I make it seem like, but you see, at this point I don't think there's anything Vegas and Porsche could do that would surprise me. I just know that whatever they come up with next, is going to be more disappointing than the last.

I've lost so much faith in them that seeing things like this, Porsche spread-eagle, naked wih his hands and feet tied to the four edges of the bed only makes me shake my head and make me want to gag. I used to envy Porsche for being so confident and forward in voicing out what he wants. He demanded like no other and I used to think he was brave. As it turns out, he's the biggest coward of them and to top it all of, he's not actually brave. He was thick-skinned and in the worst way.

Just like someone I know.

He left with another man without even bothering to say goodbye to Khun Kinn.

Khun Kinn who, after many years of struggling with his broken heart, opened up to Porsche, gave him everything, was even willing to leave his father's side for him. And that would have been a closing wound but then, he decides to come back all of a sudden. Now he's trying to seduce him to gain something? It doesn't take a genius to know Vegas is trying to bring the main family down or at least get above them. That was his life's mission afterall but Porsche? What is he doing?

What is he doing that one year and a half after leaving Khun Kinn, he's trying to crawl onto his bed and even steal from him. The absence of shame in this man makes me want to punch him until he's crippled just so he knows who not to mess with.

I'm still out of his sight so I walk closer to him and I want to do nothing more than give him a beating and a piece of my mind but instead, I smile at him. I'll be a professional, I guess.

"You probably know why I'm here, Khun Porsche" I say while I use an honorific. He avoids my gaze, looking down at his own chest like he's embarrassed.

"Cut the crap, Pete." He whispers.

"My apologies, Khun Porsche but I need to set you up for questioning. You would have been let go off right away since you're a guest brought by Khun Luigi, but because of your history with Khun Kinn, I'm going to have to ask you some questions.

"Stop addressing me so formally, Pete. You can just call me Porsche like---"

"Like we're friends?" I cut him off and then I slightly giggled, making him look more uncomfortable.

"Can we start, Khun Porsche? I want to finish early because I have somewhere I need to be. Why are you here?" I ask him calmly but he doesn't respond.

"Were you here to take something that might belong to you? Forgive my prying but this used to be your room too. Did you leave something here and want to take it back and were to shy to ask for it back?" I start with these while still smiling calmly at him. He hates it. I just know

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