VI- The What Ifs

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Author's Notes:
The previous chapter was basically a series of flashbacks, explaining Kinn's take on the events. I'll continue that on this chapter but it's going to be mixed with present events. Please tell me if it's hard to understand. For easier reading, refer to chapter 4, the start of this chap is a continuation of that.

Kinn's POV:

"Well, what should I wear, Khun? If you're going to stay here while I dress up better make yourself useful and help me choose my outfit" Tankhun is still glaring at me while he sits on the edge of my bed as I continuously align the clothes to my body in front of the mirror.

"Just choose the white button-down shirt. Don't wear a coat. You'll scare him." Tankhun suggests while still glaring at me.

I ignore him and walk to my dresser. I opened the small door to return the shirts that were not chosen for tonight.

"Stop!" Tankhun motions with an open palm and walks closer to me.

"Why do you have this? This was Pete's baller bracelet!" Tankhun pointed at an ombre pastel baller bracelet that was famous back in the day. It's been so long. Tankhun's memory is remarkable, how long has it been since I toom this? Ten years? I even forgot it was Pete's. I took it from him when I first won a boxing match against him back when he just started working for the family, or back when he LET me win against him for the first time.

This takes me back to the time I first met him.


The first time sixteen year-old Pete and seventeen year-old Kinn met.

Korn himself had accompanied Pete and gave him a tour. Kinn's father always had a soft spot for people from Chumphon. This guy must be from there too, Kinn thought. Kinn looked at the guy from a distance and it seems like they're not far off in age. They must be of the same age.

"Pa" Kinn called his father who looked delighted to see him.

"Oh hi, Kinn. Come close. This is Pete. He's going to be one of our bodyguards. I was hoping he can stick around you as one of your close-in bodyguards while he's still training. We'll decide on whether he's fit to be yours, Khun's, or Kim's bodyguard after his evaluation. I feel confident he's going to pass anyway." The man smiled at Kinn who eyed Pete who bowed at him respectfully while smiling.

He's cute. Kinn notices but he doesn't look at Pete's face for a long time. It won't be professional to oggle your employees.

"And why would he be coming with me on my trips, Pa? Shouldn't he train more? I'm going to big transactions already" Kinn couldn't hide how insulted he felt when his father decised he should have an unexperienced "whimp" on his parade of bodyguards. His father always favored Tankhun in that regard. Tankhun has the best bodyguards even though he only stays at home.

"Kinn." Korn looked at Pete apologetically and Pete just smiles in understanding

"Pete is a professional boxer. He's capable of fighting." Korn said although it's not like fighting skills are the only things you need. Fighting skills are for goons. Bodyguards need discipline and patience. None of which Kinn thinks Pete has. He was young. For sure, he's impulsive and angry most of the time, and professional boxer? Kinn's a pretty decent boxer himself. No one at their school can ever beat him so he comes forward. His father, seemingly knowing what he's about to do, steps backward, startling Pete who has no choice but to stay in place.

Out of nowhere, Kinn throws in a punch. Pete successfully dodges it.

Huh, surprising. Must be just luck. Kinn manages to convince himself. No way this guy is earning money with boxing at sixteen. If he was, why would he be a bodyguard, right? Kinn throws in a series of punches, attempting an uppercut but Pete dodges them all. He was quick on his feet. Kinn is surprised Pete doesn't punch back. He must be a defensive boxer, then. Defensive boxers are weak hitters. Kinn deceives himself one more time because when he moved closer, throwing punches that barely even land anywhere, Pete had thrown in one, hitting Kinn's jaw. His vision got blurred and his hearing was weird.

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